How to grow agave from a leaf. How to plant aloe - simple tips

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Planting Aloe at home is a very common occurrence. The cultivation of this plant is primarily done for its sake. beneficial properties. Thus, Aloe Vera and Aloe Tree (Agave) have pronounced medicinal qualities. Aloe juice is used to treat inflammatory processes on skin, it's the same good remedy for the common cold, extracts from the plant are used to produce cosmetics.

However, the appearance of a flower can serve as a decoration for a room. Especially it concerns decorative varieties aloe. For example, Aloe Variegated (otherwise known as Tiger). This flower looks very beautiful: small in size, the leaves are decorated with white stripes, spots, specks, and when flowering, beautiful bright orange inflorescences are formed.

Aloe grows in large quantities in countries with arid climates (for example, Africa, Madagascar, the Arabian Peninsula). The plant is well adapted to long-term lack of moisture and belongs to the group of succulents. Succulents are a large part of the flora that are interconnected by their ability to adapt to unfavorable conditions environment, namely to long droughts. Such specimens have a special structure: thick fleshy stems and leaves in which moisture accumulates, often characteristic feature are spines, bristles or hairs (these are modified leaves).

Aloe perfectly withstands high and low temperatures, can survive without water for a long time, and does not require complex care. Even an untrained novice florist can easily grow this flower at home.

And yet, some features of Aloe breeding need to be known if you are truly passionate about plant growing and want to create the most comfortable conditions for your green pets.

Planting Aloe at home

To plant Aloe at home, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Choosing a suitable location (and container).
  2. Soil preparation.
  3. Reproduction method.
  4. Planting process.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.


An ordinary window sill located in the south or east of the house is good for growing Aloe (the north side is a bad option). It should be well lit, but exposure to open sun is undesirable. Create a little partial shade - and the plant will thank you for your good care.

Use a plastic or terracotta pot as a container for planting a flower. These materials do not allow moisture to pass through well, which is good for the plant. The size of the planting container should be such that the root system feels spacious (there should be a gap of 3 cm between the walls and the root). We choose a pot with a shallow depth.

Advice! To determine whether there is enough space for a plant to stay comfortably, focus on the ratio of the length of the leaf to the diameter of the planting container: a ratio of 2:1 would be ideal.


To plant Aloe, you can purchase ready soil for succulents. But if you want to prepare the soil yourself, you need to consider the following points:

  • The soil should have good air permeability.
  • It is advisable not to add peat to the composition.
  • Recommended acid-base balance: neutral or low acidity.

In order to increase the airiness of the soil, the following loosening elements are used: river sand with large grains of sand, small broken bricks, perlite, shells, expanded clay gravel.

The substrate usually includes the following components:

  • A layer of clay mixed with a layer of turf.
  • Sand or any other drainage layer.
  • Leaf soil.
  • Humus.

All elements are taken in equal shares. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, then a layer of soil mixture, gravel pebbles or a layer of coarse sand are placed on top of the substrate.

Choosing a method of propagation of Aloe

The plant can be propagated in several ways:

  • Plant seeds;
  • Using cuttings;
  • Using a sheet;
  • Radical process;
  • One of the top shoots.

Let's talk about each of the options.

If we use seeds

With this method, sowing is done in the first months of spring. Prepare the soil in advance and select the required composition. The room temperature should be above 20 degrees. The container for sowing is small and narrow. Seed placement is done on a wet upper layer soil, cover on top thin layer sand. The seeds should be buried 1 cm.

The seedlings are placed under film or glass and provided with necessary care. At this time it is important sufficient watering, spraying of overgrown leaves is also used. After three large leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into separate small containers (no higher than 5 cm). After one year, the grown-up individuals are transferred to permanent place in a large pot.

Using not the easiest possible seed propagation method, you can grow an entire plantation of succulents.

Propagation using cuttings, stem shoots, leaves

All these methods are similar to each other. To reproduce each of them, you will need to complete the following steps:

  • Select a suitable fragment of the plant and cut it, the knife should be sharpened and washed well,
  • The cut area needs to be well dried. The cut part is stored for about a week. outdoors V dark place, treating the cut with rubbed activated carbon.
  • The shoot is cut from an adult plant with up to eight large sheets. After the cut site has dried, the Aloe fragment can be planted.

Advice! Do not immerse a leaf, shoot or cutting in a container of water before planting. This can destroy them because the process of rotting will begin.

If you have chosen a basal shoot for breeding a new individual (they are also called “babies”), then best time To separate the process, there will be a planned transplantation of an adult specimen. You will need a sharp knife to separate the “babies” from the root. Make sure that the “babies” that you cut also have small roots left.

Reproduction using parts of an adult plant is usually carried out in the warm season.

How to land

After drying the cut, cuttings or leaves are planted in previously prepared soil. They do it like this:

  • The leaf is placed in moist soil with the tip down to a depth of three centimeters.
  • Cover the cutting or leaf glass jar or film.
  • Place the container with the seedling in a bright place.
  • When planting shoots, choose one that already has up to six leaves. Bury in the ground up to the beginning of the bottom sheet. To give the sprout strength, it is surrounded with small stones. Further cultivation is also carried out in a greenhouse, with proper care of the plant.
  • The “babies” are transplanted with roots. If the roots were damaged during the separation of the shoot, they are dried for several days before planting in the ground. Undamaged individuals are planted immediately.

Rules for caring for a plant at home

Caring for Aloe is quite simple, here are the basic recommendations:

  • It is not necessary to water often, since the plant can easily survive on water for a long time. During the warm period, water once every seven days. With the onset of cold weather, watering is limited to twice a month.
  • Excessive watering is not recommended. Stagnant water will cause the root to rot. To avoid this use drainage system. Be sure to leave holes at the bottom to allow water to drain.
  • The temperature of the water used for irrigation should be from 25 to 35 degrees above zero.
  • It is useful to place the pot in a pan of water so that the roots of the plant are saturated with moisture.
  • Growing a flower requires regular feeding. Aloe should be fed in spring, summer and autumn. They do this once a month. Used for fertilizer special mixture for cacti or succulents. Will fit well mineral compounds in liquid form.
  • There should be plenty of light, but avoid direct open sun.
  • Dry air is worse for Aloe than dry soil. Spray the leaves and air around the plant regularly. Such care is extremely important for the flower.
  • The plant needs winter rest; there is no need to disturb it at this time, water less, no fertilizing, no replanting.
  • Provide access to fresh air. Ventilate the room, but avoid drafts.

You have learned the basics of growing Aloe at home. It's beautiful in its own way useful plant will take its rightful place in your collection indoor flowers. If you are a beginner, start gaining experience in plant growing with this flower. Planting Aloe and caring for it will not burden you.

If you are an experienced amateur or professional, then the abundance of species of this flower will delight you with its diversity; here everyone will find a plant to their liking. By combining these flowers with other indoor flora, you can create beautiful compositions decorate your home with them.

Aloe is a succulent. This plant became famous because of its healing properties. The most popular varieties among gardeners are: Aloe Vera, tree aloe (agagave) and variegated aloe. They have the same properties, but the most unpretentious of them is the agave.

The culture grows quickly and until the age of 5 it needs to be transplanted into a new container every year. To properly transplant or plant aloe during propagation, you need to choose the right pot and soil for the plant.

Transplantation and propagation of aloe

The plant is transplanted when old container becomes small. The roots intertwine and grow through drainage cracks. In addition, the soil is depleted over the year, and the succulent’s growth slows down, and lower leaves dry out.

An emergency transplant may be necessary when the root system of the plant rots. If the roots have died completely, then the top is cut off and the flower is placed in water for rooting. Afterwards they are planted in new soil.

  1. 1. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot in a layer of 5-8 cm. Expanded clay, gravel, crushed stone, and broken brick are used as drainage. He must have good throughput water, have chemical inertness and resistance to decay.
  2. 2. Part of the aloe soil is poured out and the roots of the plant are carefully placed on it.
  3. 3. The rest of the land is added. It should not cover the scaly part of the trunk.

Aloe reproduces:

  • cuttings or leaves;
  • young shoots;
  • apex;
  • seeds.

Soil requirements

The soil in which it grows is of great importance for the growth of agave. Aloe needs loose and nutritious soil. Available for sale ready mix for cacti. Its structure is suitable for growing aloe. Not added to it a large number of fertile land. When preparing the soil independently, take:

  • turf land 2 parts;
  • leaf soil 1 part;
  • humus 1 part;
  • river sand 1 part.

Broken bricks and crushed bricks are added to the mixture. charcoal. It should be remembered that the soil for aloe should not contain peat.

Brick chips are used to make the soil looser. Charcoal disinfects the earth.

Propagation using cuttings and leaves

Grow young plant can be from a leaf, without the root. To do this, perform the following steps step by step:

  • the leaf is cut with a clean, sharp knife;
  • the cut area is sprinkled with crushed coal;
  • the sheet is placed in a cool, dark place for 3 days;
  • prepare a container with washed sand;
  • the leaf is stuck into the sand to a depth of 2 cm;
  • the sand is moistened with a spray bottle;
  • After the roots appear, the plant is transplanted into a pot.

Growing a new plant from cuttings is done in a similar way. The best cuttings are lateral shoots that are separated from the trunk at the very bottom of the plant.

Planting young shoots

The best time to sow aloe seeds is February or March. This process is very labor-intensive.

Seeds for sowing aloe are purchased in the store, because it is impossible to obtain them yourself. At home, aloe does not bloom.

The seeds are soaked in water for a day, placed on soil mixture and covered with earth. The soil should be slightly moist. It is better to irrigate it with a spray bottle. The container maintains constant humidity and soil temperature, which should be 22 degrees. To provide desired temperature and illumination, a fluorescent lamp is used.

After the leaves appear, watering is reduced. Usually shoots appear within a week. When the sprouts reach 5-8 cm and 1-2 true aloe leaves appear, they must be planted in small pots.

Plant care

To grow a healthy plant, you need to exercise proper care behind him. Aloe does not like frequent watering. It tolerates drought well. In summer, the plant is irrigated more often than in winter. The flower should be moistened so that the water reaches the roots. With surface watering, only the top part of the soil will be moistened. The base of the stem will be in a humid environment, but moisture will not reach the roots. Watering should be plentiful, but water should not remain in the pan long time. In summer, it is recommended to water the plant once a week.

In winter, the flower is moistened once a month and only when the soil is completely dry. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature or 2-3 degrees higher. During irrigation, it is important to ensure that moisture does not get into the internal rosettes of the leaves.

Aloe needs fertilizer while growing. For feeding, nutrient mixtures suitable for cacti and other succulents are used. At home, a decoction of onion peels is often used.

Young and recently transplanted plants are not fed for 6 months.

Aloe grows in hot countries, so good lighting is required when kept indoors. In winter, when daylight hours are short, the plant will need additional lighting. In summer, agave feels good on fresh air. The place where the aloe is located must be protected from rain and strong winds. A balcony or veranda is suitable for this purpose.

Caring for aloe is quite simple. Even a novice gardener can grow and propagate it.

Many people are interested in how to grow aloe. This amazing flower It grows quickly, produces many shoots and does not cause any particular difficulties in care. But growing aloe at home requires careful preparation and compliance with a number of important conditions.

If you are wondering how to grow aloe, you first need to choose a seedling wisely. The flower is propagated by small cuttings, which can be obtained even from young flowers. They grow at the base of the agave and look very similar to an independent plant. The seedlings have their own root system, so you can immediately plant the sprout in a permanent place. Choose a cutting that has fleshy leaves. The length of the stem must be at least five centimeters. In this case, care will be as simple as possible. But smaller specimens can also take root, so if there are no large cuttings, you can take a small sprout.

The flower is propagated by small cuttings, which can be obtained even from young flowers.

There are no special requirements for the soil in which the future agave will grow. If you wish, you can buy soil that is intended for cacti. This perfect option. If you prepare the soil yourself, do not add peat, as the aloe root system reacts negatively to it. It is better to take two parts of turf soil and add coarse sand, humus and leaf soil to it. Charcoal is also useful - it has disinfecting properties. A small amount of broken, crushed brick will make the soil looser.

Choose a suitable pot, fill in the drainage and soil, and plant aloe. The container should not be too small or too large. In the first case, the agave will not grow, in the second you will have to wait a long time for changes. The best optionclay pot. In it, the roots will breathe better, and excess moisture will not stagnate.

Choose a suitable pot, fill in the drainage and soil, and plant aloe.

Roast the soil in the oven before planting the plant in it.

This procedure will reduce the risk of diseases and pests, and it will be easier to care for aloe. After planting, you should choose the right window sill on which your pet will live. It is better if it is a room with windows facing south, since the flower loves warmth and light.

Growing conditions

When answering the question of how to grow aloe at home, one cannot help but mention the basic rules of care. Compliance with them will allow you to achieve positive results and grow strong agave.

Watering and fertilizing

Aloe is considered an unpretentious plant, but it requires minimal care. The flower easily tolerates drought, but it is better to avoid it. After planting a young sprout, watering should be frequent - two to three times a week. Then it declines. The frequency of watering depends on the season. In spring and summer, agave begins to grow actively and requires sufficient moisture. Therefore, aloe needs to be watered twice a week. From autumn to spring, a state of dormancy sets in, so watering may be less frequent. This must be done as soon as the earthen ball dries out. Moisten the soil evenly, avoiding water accumulation at the roots.

Feeding is carried out during active growth. Use a fertilizer designed for cacti or succulents. You can also use used ground coffee or tea leaves. But before using it, be sure to dry the mixture to prevent the appearance of small black flies.

Light and warmth

Growing aloe is usually not difficult. The plant does not tolerate coolness and shade, so it is better to place it on the south side. There will be Better conditions for growing agave, and care will be very simple. However, direct sunlight is harmful to the plant. Therefore, if you notice that the leaves of a flower are beginning to turn yellow, choose another place for it or organize protection from the bright sun.

The optimal temperature for agave in summer is about twenty-five degrees, in winter – no lower than plus twelve. Be sure to protect aloe from hypothermia and drafts. As a result, the flower will delight rapid growth and even flowering.


Agave requires periodic replanting, as its root system develops quickly. If you want the plant to grow, try to change the container annually in the first five years of its life, and then every two years. This must be done in the spring, when aloe easily tolerates any manipulation, and after that no intensive care is required. If the flower is not replanted, it just stops growing.

To replant an agave, simply pull it out along with the soil and move it to new pot. The container should be about twenty percent larger - this is the optimal volume. Pour drainage into it, then soil, previously calcined in the oven, place aloe and pour soil on top. Lightly compact the soil with your hands and add the remaining amount. Then water the plant and return it to its usual place. With proper care, the procedure should be repeated after a year.

If aloe, like aloe, is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, the lower leaves must be periodically plucked off. As a result, the plant loses its attractive appearance and the need arises for its propagation. New flower can be created from a cutting, a shoot, a separate leaf, or seeds.

If aloe, like Kalanchoe, is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, the lower leaves must be periodically torn off.


One of the most simple ways get mature plant. The cuttings that you will plant to propagate agave should reach ten centimeters in length. Cut it with a sharp knife, powder the cut area with coal dust and dry it at room temperature within two to three days. Then plant in a prepared container filled with loose soil below and wet sand above. If there are many cuttings, the distance between them should be about five centimeters.

The longest process, but it allows you to get a whole plantation of plants. The container for growing seeds should be flat and low, optimal time for sowing - spring or summer. In this case, the containers can be placed in a greenhouse and not sprayed to maintain optimal humidity. The seeds are laid out at a distance of one and a half centimeters, slightly pressing into the ground. It must first be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or heated in the oven. The soil with seeds is sprinkled with dry clean sand. The recommended temperature for seed germination is 22-25 degrees.

Propagation by seeds is the most time-consuming process, but it allows you to obtain a whole plantation of plants.

Reproduction by shoots

An adult plant always produces young shoots, which thicken the aloe and deprive it of its strength. In a new place they will take root well and become an independent plant. When separating formed shoots, make sure that their roots are less damaged. Carefully clean the base of the aloe from the soil and use your fingers to separate the shoot, then plant it in separate place. If the shoot is firmly attached to the mother plant, cut it off, being careful not to damage the roots. Sprinkle the open cut with charcoal powder and after a couple of days plant it in a moist substrate.

The lowest leaves are cut off from a healthy plant. It is important that the cut is clean and even. It is treated with coal powder and sent to the substrate. You can cover the sheet with a glass jar. It will help maintain optimal levels of humidity and temperature. It also needs to be protected from direct sun rays until the plant finally takes root.

It is important that the cut is clean and even.

Reproduction by apex

If the agave begins to rot from the bottom of the trunk, try to save the crown and propagate the flower with a cutting with a tip. The main condition is to quickly cut off the rotten part to prevent the spread of the disease. Then the plant is treated with coal powder, slightly dried and planted in another place with healthy and moderately moist soil.

When you have planted the seedlings and the first leaves have appeared on them, you can feed the agave. Regular watering is done once a week. It is better to breed aloe in spring or summer, so that the flower has enough warmth and sun to fully recover.

When you have planted the seedlings and the first leaves have appeared on them, you can feed the agave.

What is harmful to aloe

Although the plant is easy to grow, some factors can ruin your efforts to grow aloe vera. These include:

  1. Root rot is the most popular disease that appears as a result overwatering. If the leaves of a flower become pale, too soft, or begin to fall off, there is a high probability that the roots are rotting. To save aloe, remove it from the pot, remove damaged parts, sprinkle it with ash or sulfur and replant it in new land. If the entire root system is affected, you will have to cut the cuttings and grow the flower again.
  2. Lack of lighting and heat - this is indicated by pale leaves. To correct the situation, move the pot to a lighter windowsill. Falling leaves may indicate that the plant is cold. This may occur due to a draft or too much watering. cold water. Seal all the cracks in the windows and water the agave with water at room temperature.

Various pests are also dangerous for the plant:

  1. Scale insects are brown plaques attached to the leaves. To get rid of them, wipe the flower with a cloth soaked in vinegar or alcohol, then spray with an insecticide. This product can be purchased at any store indoor plants. It is important to follow the instructions, and after the procedure, ventilate the room well.
  2. Mealybug - manifests itself as a waxy coating similar to cotton wool. are susceptible to this disease. The pest is afraid of moisture, so wash the leaves thoroughly, wipe them with vinegar or alcohol and place them in a shaded place for a couple of days.
  3. Spider mite - it can be seen by the cobwebs covering the leaves, and small insects, located with reverse side leaves. Spraying with garlic tincture, wiping with soapy water or a commercial insecticide will help solve the problem.

In general, the plant is unpretentious, so growing and caring for aloe does not cause any particular difficulties. If you provide him the necessary conditions, your window sill will be decorated with beautiful and powerful plant. After just two years of life, its leaves will grow maximum amount useful substances, and they can be used for medicinal or cosmetic purposes.

For those who dream of growing unpretentious plant at home, you must first figure out when and how to plant aloe so that it takes root well and quickly.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the landing time. It is important to remember here that the active development of the flower occurs from mid-spring to the end of summer; in autumn and winter it is dormant. Therefore, it is better to replant or plant a plant in early spring, when it emerges from the dormant state and enters the growth stage. Having prepared planting material and soil, you can begin a simple procedure, the correctness of which determines the growth and development of the flower.

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    Preparing the soil and pot

    Since the plant is adapted to life in the desert, the soil for tree aloe must be appropriate. If the soil is not chosen correctly for aloe, the flower may get sick and die. As a rule, very little soil is needed for planting agave, so it is better to purchase special balanced soil in flower shop. A special earthen mixture for succulents and cacti is rich in nutrients that are necessary for the normal growth and development of not only young but also adult plants.

    When mixing aloe soil at home, it is important to consider the following points:

    • the earth should be slightly acidic or neutral;
    • the soil should easily allow air to pass through and not retain water;
    • For agave, clay-sandy soil with a high iron content is more suitable.

    This succulent will feel very uncomfortable in liquid black soil. Do not mix peat with the soil, as it increases its acidity level. Most often, turf, leaf soil, humus and sand are mixed. Moreover, turf soil is taken 2 times more than other components. You can mix a little charcoal with the soil to disinfect it and some small stones to make it looser.

    Before filling the pot, it is advisable to treat the soil high temperatures to reduce the likelihood of diseases and pests. Choose a medium-sized container for agave: a small container will not allow the flower to grow, but a large container, on the contrary, will suppress its development. When choosing a container for planting, you need to focus on the root of the flower - it should fit completely into the container at a distance of about 3 cm from the walls.

    It is better to give preference pottery, where it will be easier for the roots to breathe, and excess water will not stagnate. Preparing a container for planting involves filling it first with drainage and then with soil substrate.

    Planting aloe

    There is more than one correct answer to the question of how to plant aloe. There are several ways to plant agave, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    Growing from seeds

    If you want to get a large number of plants, preference is given to growing from seeds. For a successful procedure, all necessary conditions must be taken into account:

    1. 1 Sowing time: last week of February - first week of March.
    2. 2 Temperature conditions: the room temperature should be from +21°C.
    3. 3 Container: small, flat.

    The container is filled with soil that meets the requirements of the given plant variety. The soil is moistened, seeds are laid out on its surface, and then sprinkled with sand. It is important that the seed material is no deeper than 1 cm from the surface. After this, the seeded container is placed in a warm and humid greenhouse, where additional lighting is installed.

    Watering should be done in moderation, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The emerging sprouts are sprayed with a sprayer. And when they have 3-4 true leaves, they are transplanted into small pots, the height of which does not exceed 5 cm. The next transplant is made after 1 year into a larger container for further development.

    The seed method of growing aloe is considered the most difficult, so it is used quite rarely. However, in this case, the probability of plant survival is much higher than when cuttings or growing from shoots.


    Grow unpretentious flower can be from a cutting cut with a sharp knife from an adult plant. For better rooting of the stem when cutting it, you must follow the following rules:

    • at least 3 pairs of leaves should grow on it;
    • the mother plant must be strong and healthy;
    • the cut is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon to disinfect the surface;
    • The stem is dried in a dark place for several days.

    You can dry the cuttings in the open air or in the refrigerator at medium cooling, after wrapping it in paper. After drying, planting begins.

    Since aloe is a succulent, you should not root the cuttings in water, because they may rot. This is best done in the soil. To avoid excess soil moisture, you need to do good drainage, which will allow excess water to flow out through the holes on the bottom of the pot. To do this, lay a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the container and then fill it with prepared soil.

    The cuttings are buried in the ground so that the lower leaves barely touch the surface. If necessary, you can add a layer of fine gravel on top of the soil to increase the stability of the stem. Then the plant is watered and placed in a bright, warm place: no aloe is needed high humidity, but for better development he needs sunlight.

    Roots may appear within 2-4 weeks. It is during this period that it is important to water the plant correctly. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the rule “Better less than more.” After all, the plant can withstand long drought rather than short-term waterlogging. If gravel is poured over the soil to stabilize the cuttings, then you need to water even less often, because it acts as mulch, which reduces the volume of evaporated liquid. When the first leaves appear from the rosette, we can assume that the rooting operation of the cutting was successful.

    Similarly, an aloe bush is grown from leaves, which are first plucked off at the base, then dried, and then planted in the soil to a depth of 5 cm. During care, it is important to try to avoid waterlogging of the soil, which can contribute to the death of the flower. After about 2 weeks, the leaf will begin to grow, and after 2 weeks you can admire the young plant.

    Planting the “babies”

    This is the name given to young shoots growing from the roots. This method allows you to grow several bushes from the children surrounding the mother plant. In order for the agave to take root faster, you need to know how to grow aloe from a shoot. When growing, you must follow the basic rules, which are as follows:

    • replant shoots that have at least 3 young leaves;
    • children are removed during replanting of an adult plant for better survival;
    • for planting the children are cut off using sharp knife from the root, leaving several roots on the shoot.

    Whole children can be immediately planted in prepared soil, but damaged ones are better left to dry for several days.

    Preparing the container for planting consists of the following steps:

    1. 1 Laying drainage.
    2. 2 Filling with special soil.
    3. 3 Good soil moisture.

    After the excess water has drained into the tray (about half an hour after watering), you can begin planting the bush. To do this, it is deepened into the soil by about 1 cm. For the first 10 days, the shoot is watered daily. It is important not to allow the soil to dry out in order to prevent the root system of the shoot from drying out. Within a month, rooting should occur and new leaves should appear.

    Planting a Broken Plant

    An adult plant must be moved very carefully. After all, the large fleshy stems are very tender, and if tilted incorrectly they can easily break. In this case, the roots remain in the ground, and the upper part is no longer connected to them. Even in this case, you can save the flower if you know how to plant aloe without roots.

    For this purpose, the main part of the plant is left in the refrigerator for several hours. During this time, you need to have time to prepare the soil and container for the flower. Having moistened the soil, place the stem 1-2 cm deep into it, and then place the container in a warm place. sunny place. Care is carried out in the same way as usual: water as the soil dries.

    Succulent leaves of the plant at proper care directed upwards. If they don't have enough water, they sink and begin to curl. When exposed to excess sunlight, they change color from green to brown. Compliance with all planting and care rules will allow you to grow beautiful plant, which will delight not only with its appearance, but also with its high-quality healing characteristics.

    Plant care

    Agave is a succulent, so its leaves have a specific structure that allows them to retain moisture for a long time. That is why it does not need frequent watering. It is enough to water no more than once a week, and in late autumn and winter - once a month.

    You should be wary of excessive soil moisture, because this can lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant. Overmoistening can be detected by appearance flower: it begins to fade, the leaves become pale. You can save it by replanting it in new soil. It is necessary to inspect before landing root system and remove rotten parts.

    When growing aloe, do not forget that the plant will feel best in a well-lit place. Do not replace direct sunlight artificial lighting: in this case, stretching of the flower and loss of decorative effect are possible. In summer it can be taken outside. The plant tolerates temperature changes quite well: it will be comfortable at both +10°C and +22°C. Therefore, you can place the pot in a cool place.

    Feed the agave once a month with liquid combined fertilizer during the period of growth and development. But you should not apply too much fertilizer - this can stop the development of the plant. When replanting in a timely manner, it is better to avoid fertilizers altogether, since a large volume of nutrients in fresh soil can negatively affect the flower.

    No one needs to be told that aloe medicinal plant. It helps to get rid of many problems of the body - this is a real home first aid kit. All parts of the plant are used for treatment (leaves, juice, sabur - dry, hardened condensed juice).

    Aloe has many types: tree-like (agave), awesome, spinous, variegated, aloe vera, many-leaved and others. Tree view in most cases, grown at home for medicinal purposes, and not as a ornamental plant. Please note that any succulent is an excellent addition to any plant, and aloe in this case could be its highlight.

    What soil should I plant aloe in?

    It must be light, fertile, loose soil. To do this, use a purchased substrate for succulents or a mixture - leaf soil, turf soil, expanded clay, charcoal, sand at a ratio of 2:3:1:1:1. Heavy clay soil for cultivation is strictly prohibited due to poor air exchange, water stagnates, which causes root rot. Adding peat to the soil mixture inhibits the development of the root system.

    How to plant aloe

    It can be a cutting (shoot) or a leaf. Be sure to lay a drainage layer of crushed stone or fine gravel at the bottom of the pot, while paying attention to the bottom holes in the pot - they should not be closed.

    Sheet cut immediately sprinkle with powdered activated carbon and leave to dry for 3-5 days. Next, they are planted in the prepared substrate to a depth of 3-4 cm and covered with a jar. Place in a bright place and water no more than once every 2 weeks.

    If you plant aloe using cuttings, then it should have 6-7 leaves. Before planting, dry for 4-6 days and plant, deepening into the soil to the lower leaves. Cover with a jar and place in a bright place. Water once every 2 weeks.

    After 1 month, the plant will take root and begin to produce new leaves.

    Where to put aloe

    The best thing in the house appropriate place- this is a window sill on the southwest or southeast side, so that there is enough light. To the south in summer period The pot with the plant is placed carefully and gradually, thus accustoming it to bright light. Aloe does not tolerate direct sunlight, hot weather it must be covered with gauze or a mosquito net. In winter, on the contrary, there is a shortage of lighting, the succulent begins to stretch, the leaves lose color. Growing aloe at home requires additional lighting. fluorescent lamps, providing 12-15 hours of daylight. It is better to maintain the temperature in winter at 12-14°C, and in summer 22-26°. The plant is afraid of wind and rain.

    How to water aloe

    Water rarely and preferably through a tray, then nutrients and the soil is not washed away, and the suction roots, which are located at the very bottom, receive the necessary moisture. If the water does not reach the thick main roots, it’s not scary, and on the contrary, it’s good. When the drainage layer in the soil is high, the pot with the plant is placed in a basin with warm water and leave there for 10-15 minutes until completely wetted earthen coma. It is better to avoid accumulating water in the pan so as not to harm the root system.

    Watering from above is dangerous because the root collar will be in a humid environment and may begin to rot, and the water may not reach the earthen ball at all. Then the roots will not receive moisture and the succulent will stop growing.

    In summer, water once a week, in winter - once a month, when grown in a cool room. It's better to underfill than overfill. Overwatering is detrimental to aloe. Water temperature in winter time should be 6-8°C higher than the air temperature. In spring and summer 20-35°C.

    When the edges of the leaves turn yellow or dry out, this indicates the use of chlorinated water, a lack of potassium, or the presence of tobacco smoke in the air.

    How to fertilize aloe

    Fertilizing is applied only in spring and summer, once every 2-3 weeks, using a complex mineral fertilizer for succulents. Loves nitrogen-containing fertilizer.

    When to replant aloe

    Young plants are replanted every year, changing the size of the flowerpot, and old plants that are 5 years or more are replanted every 3 years. To do this, a drainage layer of crushed stone or broken brick is placed in the new flowerpot. Next, transfer the plant with a lump of earth, separating the soil with a knife from the walls of the flowerpot, and transfer it to a new flowerpot. Cover the remaining space with earth.

    The healing properties of aloe are amazing, thanks to this it improves intestinal motility, work digestive system. In laboratories it is added to drugs for the treatment of gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, and stomach ulcers. The plant copes well with infectious diseases that affect the skin, as well as purulent wounds and burns. It has pronounced bactericidal properties that fight staphylococcus, streptococcus and certain types Escherichia coli and dysentery coli. Helps cope with neurosis, headaches, and softens the course of tuberculosis. An excellent immunomodulator.

    Aloe is widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. It is added to masks, creams, gels and lotions for a softening, soothing effect. In the treatment of acne and age spots, it is used as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory substance. This plant is hypoallergenic, helps restore skin elasticity, and remove excess subcutaneous fat.

    It is prohibited to use aloe in the first trimester of pregnancy, during menstruation, cystitis, hemorrhoids, and diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Using aloe-based medications for too long leads to the removal of beneficial microelements.


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