Bay leaf is a homemade shrub. How to care for laurel at home? Watering and spraying

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Today we’ll talk about a spice that is probably present in the arsenal of any housewife, and the stronger half of humanity, when preparing their favorite dumplings, rarely does without it.

We are talking about bay leaves, the cultivation of which at home will be the topic of our conversation today.

About the conditions for growing bay leaves

If you are planning to grow bay leaves at home, first you need to understand what the leaves for seasoning give us noble laurel- an evergreen tree, less often a shrub, growing in the tropical zone of our planet. For example, in Russia, this plant is found naturally only in Crimea or the Krasnodar Territory. In other laurel growing regions in open ground not practiced.

Therefore, the growing conditions bay leaf at home should be truly tropical:

  • temperature not lower than 20 degrees, optimally +25;
  • high air humidity;
  • short daylight hours with bright lighting.

This is achieved by placing plants on southern windowsills with regular spraying or using artificial air humidifiers.

Attention! Laurel will grow well on northern windowsills, only it will be less lush with a sparser crown.

Growing on a windowsill in the summer can be combined with taking plants out onto a balcony or loggia, and if you have Vacation home or country cottage area, then you can take the plant with you, as they say, to Fresh air. Naturally, when returning from the site in the fall, you should not forget the plant at the dacha, but you need to take it with you to your winter apartment.

Laurel propagation

To get your laurel tree, you can go two ways:

  1. Growing bay leaves from seeds.
  2. Growing by rooting cuttings.
  3. Horizontal layering.
  4. Purchasing ready-made seedlings.

Let's consider all the methods in more detail.

Seed propagation of bay leaves

Laurel seeds can be obtained in two ways:

  • buy in a specialized store;
  • collected from laurel branches sold in markets as spices.

It is best to sow seeds in the ground in early spring or in autumn or summer, the germinal processes in the seeds slow down a little and you simply cannot wait for germination. Sow the seeds in small seedling containers.

Before sowing, the soil is moistened and slightly compacted so that the seed rests on a moist and dense bed. After this, it is sprinkled with a layer of nutrient soil one centimeter thick and moistened again. Cover the container with a suitable lid and place it in a warm place with a temperature of 25-27 degrees, for example, next to a radiator or on a hanging kitchen cabinet.

Seeds take a very long time to germinate, sometimes it can take several months. All this time, the container with crops must be periodically ventilated and, if necessary, moistened.

The soil for growing laurel does not have to be very oily and nutritious, but great attention must be paid to its mechanical composition. The best mixture for growing laurel is a mixture of the following components:

  • forest turf land;
  • sand;
  • peat.

To add airiness and looseness, you can use coconut substrate or today's popular soil loosening agents, such as perlite or vermiculite.

It is very important that the roots receive free access to air, this is one of the conditions successful cultivation this useful plant.

Attention! Laurel does not tolerate waterlogged soil, so be sure to place some kind of drainage material at the bottom of the container.

After the true leaves appear, the plants are planted in a larger container and cared for, like other plants, with timely watering, fertilizing and replanting.

Taking bay leaf cuttings

Cuttings of noble laurel are no different from the process on currants or gooseberries. Here's how it's done:

  1. We cut non-lignified green cuttings 6-10 centimeters long. In this case, we make the lower cut under the bud oblique, and the upper one – a centimeter above the bud – straight.
  2. We leave two top leaves on the cuttings, and we shorten them by half for less evaporation of moisture.
  3. We bury the cuttings 1-2 centimeters into the soil of the pot.
  4. Cover the pot with film with holes.
  5. We ventilate regularly.

Rooting will occur in about a month. After this, you can transplant the finished seedling into a permanent container.

Bay leaf layering

If you have mature plant, then you can get a new plant by pinning one of the side shoots to the soil. In this case, an additional container with soil is used. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Place a container filled with nutritious soil next to a laurel plant growing in a pot.
  2. Bend the young branch so that the lowest point of the bend is placed in a new container to a depth of 10-15 centimeters.
  3. At this point, the branches make a cut about 4-5 centimeters long.
  4. The branch is placed in a pot with soil and pinned. The end of the layer is tied to a vertical support.
  5. Fill the cut area with soil to the top of the container and water it.

After some time, depending on conditions environment, a new sprout will appear from under the ground. After this, the rooted branch can be separated from the mother plant.

Purchased laurel seedlings

Everything is very simple here. The purchased plant needs to be transplanted into a large container with its own soil and grown as usual.

Laurel care

Caring for laurel is easy. You need to water the bush and spray it on time warm water. Twice a year you can feed the plant with some organic matter.

Advice! It is better to give fertilizing no earlier than three months after transplantation.

As it grows, it is necessary to transplant the bush into a new larger container. At first, this is done every year; after 4-5 years of growing season, the laurel slows down its growth, and it is replanted once every four years.

An important job is decorative pruning of the bush. Laurel is very responsive to pruning, and you can shape its crown to your liking.

Attention! Regularly picking leaves for spices begins in the fourth year of the laurel’s growing season.

At home, diseases rarely appear in the noble laurel, but they still occur. This occurs due to low temperatures or waterlogging of the soil coma. In any case, you need to consult with specialists or read the relevant literature.

Video - how to grow a bay tree at home

Today we learned how to plant bay leaves and grow them at home. Good luck with your gardening endeavors.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, did not particularly worry about mulching. But today this agricultural technique has become fundamental in achieving High Quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's a hassle. But practice shows that labor costs in in this case pay off handsomely. In this article we invite you to get acquainted with the nine the best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

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The Egyptians used mint as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. She's different strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils that are highly volatile. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article we will look at the most interesting varieties mint, and also tell you about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began growing crocuses 500 years before our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the harbingers of spring to next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article is dedicated to the earliest varieties of crocuses, which bloom in late March and early April.

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Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today is one of the most colorful garden and indoor plants. It is not for nothing that they are considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are primarily looking for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, bushes made of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provençal herbs provides tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then sprinkle with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Wild garlic and fresh dill get along well in one salad, highlighting each other’s aroma. The garlicky pungency of wild garlic will permeate both the salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

Conifer tree or shrubs on the site is always great, but a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, released by plants, not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require proper care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the canopy flowering trees have long become an integral attribute of welcoming spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese take place under the sign of their flowering. But sakura grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an item of trade, lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century B.C. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its propagation and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and prepare themed cottage cheese cookies in the shape of Easter eggs! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - sifting the flour, combining everything necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as the pieces of dough turn into real ones. Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

Among tuberous crops, there are not so many decorative deciduous favorites. And caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to own a caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all, it requires care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of caladiums are never justified. Attention and care can avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And the plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply easy-to-prepare dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Chicken and mushroom gravy will save you in moments when you don’t have time or don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this in advance so everything is hot), add some gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

Among the many different varieties of these most popular vegetables, we will tell you about three that are distinguished by their excellent taste and relatively unpretentious conditions growing. Characteristics of the eggplant varieties “Almaz”, “Black Beauty” and “Valentina”. All eggplants have pulp medium density. In Almaz it is greenish, while in the other two it is yellowish-white. They are united by good germination and excellent yield, but in different time. Everyone's skin color and shape are different.

One of the most popular evergreen plants grown at home is the laurel flower. It may be a small bush or a miniature tree.

In ancient times, wreaths made of bay leaves were placed on the heads of winners and famous people. This plant is very convenient to grow at home, because it, in addition decorative decoration apartments, also has useful functions. No need to run to the store for a bay leaf, you just need to pick it from the tree.


Laurel is one of the indoor plants that is easy to care for. Even a beginner in growing flowers can do this. In nature bay tree grows very tall. There are specimens exceeding 18 meters. Today, in the Sochi forests you can see laurel reaching 15 meters in height.

Although this plant is not very demanding, but for it good growth a favorable environment is required. This indoor plant loves sun rays very much, but can grow well in a shaded place.

Laurel does not react to drafts and is not afraid of drought. A bay tree at home does not require great care, you need to always have enough water, without waterlogging the soil.

Homemade laurel copes well with diseases and is not afraid of pests. To give a certain shape, laurel bushes can be trimmed. WITH Modern gardeners manage to grow tall laurel trees, differing from their counterparts in their openwork, intricately intertwined trunk.

Types of indoor laurel

This plant is divided into two groups:

  • Noble;
  • Canary.

The Canarian laurel has wide large leaves, the edges of which look somewhat wrinkled. This species is inferior to the noble laurel in terms of the strength of its aroma.

The main botanical variety of laurel is divided into three types:

  • Narrow-leaved;
  • Golden;
  • Wrinkly.

Each variety is characterized by leaf shape and color.

How laurel is planted

Noble laurel should be planted in early spring. If you have already grown laurel before, then you need to choose a pot whose diameter is a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one.

First, a drainage layer is placed in the pot. For this you can use expanded clay or broken brick. The substrate is placed on this layer. For laurel nobilis, the soil should consist of sand, turf and leafy soil. This composition is sold in stores as soil intended for growing cacti.

Caring for your home laurel

This indoor plant is not very capricious. But, it needs to be constantly sprayed and trimmed so that the crown has decorative form. You also need to keep an eye out for pests or diseases to prevent them from developing.

For good growth, laurel does not need a lot of sunlight. It can grow well in partial shade. In summer, when the temperature is more than 25 degrees, laurel bush can be left on the balcony. At proper care, indoor laurel can live more than 15 years.

To get good growth of indoor noble laurel, it is necessary to create conditions for it that are reminiscent of its native places. With the onset of cold weather, optimal temperature, in which an indoor laurel can safely be located, is considered to be 18 degrees.

Where should laurel bushes be located in an apartment?

To grow a good laurel flower, it is very important to find the right location for it. It is advisable that the plant does not fall into drafts; laurel does not like them. But you need to ventilate the room with laurel regularly.

There is no need to create special lighting for the laurel. Ordinary is quite enough room light. To achieve laurel flowering at home, you need to care for it, trying to bring the conditions of its location closer to real ones.

For example, a pot with a tree should be placed where there is a lot of light. So, with a large number of scattered sun rays, laurel leaves will acquire more decorative look. The bush will be very dense, which rarely happens if the bay tree grows in more shaded areas.

How to water laurel bushes

In spring and summer, bushes need to be watered regularly. When it is very hot outside, watering should be more intense. But prolonged waterlogging should not be allowed, because stagnation of water in the soil can lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

Watering schedule winter time very different from summer period. The substrate needs to be watered only after the top layer of soil in the pot begins to dry out. You need to water with well-settled water at room temperature.

With the onset of heat, noble laurel should be sprayed in the morning and evening hours. You can also place a container of water near the bay pot.

Experienced gardeners also use another method. Pebbles are poured into the tray, then it is filled with water, and a pot of laurel is placed on top.

How does laurel propagate?

Usually the reproduction of this unpretentious plant It is carried out by cuttings, but laurel can also be propagated by seeds.

To grow laurel from seeds, you need to have special soil. For getting rapid growth, it is recommended to pre-soak the seeds in heated water and leave for a couple of hours.

The seeds do not need to be buried deep in the soil. It is enough to sprinkle them with soil and cover them with film.

When propagating laurel by cuttings, they need to be cut from shoots that have not yet completely become lignified.

With the onset of spring, the cut shoots are planted in slightly moist soil. It is advisable to remove all leaves from the trunk, leaving two or three. The length of the cutting should not exceed 8 cm. To make the plant take root faster, you should use wet sand. Usually young seedlings take root well within one month.

How is the transplant done?

This operation does not need to be performed very often. A small tree should not be transplanted into big pot. Laurel will do well in a small pot.

When he grows and the pot becomes too small for him, take another container with a larger diameter of about 4 cm.

Transplantation is performed by rearrangement earthen coma. The missing soil is added to the pot. Then the transplanted laurel is well watered. Transfer work usually performed in spring or summer.

Problems that may arise during cultivation

  • Shchitovka;
  • Spider mite;

Laurel bush is usually affected fungal diseases. This may be due to overwatering. At this time, brown spots appear on the bay leaf.

It is necessary to fight such diseases removing damaged areas and replanting the plant, with the addition of a new fresh substrate.

If you follow all the rules for growing laurel at home, you can always have a beautiful, fragrant and useful plant in your room.

Laurel is a subtropical tree or bush. There are several types of this plant. Under natural conditions they grow in the Mediterranean and the south Krasnodar region.

Bay tree: description, types

Laurel belongs to the Laurel family of the same name. Types of laurel:

  • The Azores is distinguished by its large decorative leaves egg-shaped. It blooms in May with light yellow flowers.
  • Camphoraceous, so named because of the high camphor content in the leaves and stems. The crown of the plant is wide and branched. The leaves emit a spicy smell. The leaves are lanceolate, with small dots throughout. The flowers are yellow-green.
  • Noble, the leaves of which are used for food. It is a perennial evergreen tree or shrub. Under natural conditions, it lives up to 100 years. During this time, its height reaches 10 m. In an apartment it grows up to 3 m. Its stems are covered with leathery leaves about 8 cm long. In spring, the noble laurel blooms with small yellow flowers. When grown at home, flowering is rarely observed after reaching 5 years of age. Laurel fruits are small.

Laurel can be propagated by layering, cuttings and:

  • The easiest way to get a new plant is from cuttings. They may appear on their own. If this does not happen, in the spring they dig in a laurel branch and water the place where rooting takes place. Next spring plant a new plant in a separate pot, having previously cut off the cuttings from the main tree.
  • Laurel should be propagated by seeds in the fall. To do this, take a pot, put drainage on the bottom, then sprinkle it with soil. Watered. Cover the pot with plastic wrap. They are waiting for the shoots to appear.
  • Get a young plant from a cutting faster young plant. To do this, take non-lignified cuttings with 2-3 buds or leaves. Prepare the soil in the same way as for growing from seeds, but cover the soil with a layer of sand on top. The length of the cutting is up to 8 cm. The cuttings are immersed so that the lower edge is 1 cm immersed in sand. The soil for the laurel is prepared by mixing humus, turf, and old foliage. Add peat and sand. If there are no such components, you can plant the laurel in universal primer, bought at a flower shop.

Good neighbors for the laurel in the room will be,. They will create a beautiful corner, and will also have a positive effect on the well-being of the owners. After all, the phytoncides that laurel leaves secrete contribute to this.

Although laurel is a subtropical plant, it can withstand even temperatures down to 5 degrees below zero. But this only applies to old sheets. Young, spring ones can freeze even with slight frosts. Therefore, you should not rush to take the tree out into the fresh air. It overwinters best at a temperature of 12-15°C. In summer he needs warmth. The optimal temperature will be 25-28 degrees. Laurel does not like sudden changes in temperature.

When choosing a place for a laurel, take into account that it feels best in a well-lit place. But direct sunlight on the leaves should be avoided. It also grows in the shade, but in this case the branches will stretch out and lose their decorative effect.

In an apartment or office, under no circumstances should you place a laurel near a radiator or other heating devices.

Laurus nobilis loves fresh air. Therefore, the room where it grows must be regularly ventilated. In summer, it is better to take the plant out onto the balcony or into the garden, placing it in partial shade. Laurel is not afraid of drafts. It tolerates heat well, but grows worse.

Like all subtropical plants, laurel grows well in high humidity air. To provide the tree comfortable conditions, regularly spray the leaves with water. It should be soft and not cold. Once a month, you can arrange a shower by covering the soil in the pot with plastic wrap.

How to water a plant:

  • In summer, you can ensure suitable humidity by placing a pot with a tree in a large tray, at the bottom of which pebbles and moss are placed. A little water is poured into it. If possible, you can spray the plant with a spray bottle several times a day.
  • In the warm season, water generously, but do not overwater, so as not to cause stagnation of water in the pot. In hot weather it is better to water in the morning and evening. Do not water during the day so as not to get water on the leaves. This can cause sunburn on them.
  • You can take tap water for irrigation only after it has settled well. Its temperature should be higher than in the room.
  • In winter, the number of waterings should be reduced and the interval between them increased. But you can’t overdry the soil either, as the plant may die. At this time, the laurel is not watered. You can periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

In order for the laurel to be strong and beautiful, it needs to be fed. During active growth this is done once a month. It is easier to use complex fertilizers. You can alternate organics and.

The laurel root system does not like to be disturbed. But the tree is growing and needs to be replanted. Therefore, it is better to do this by transshipment. This way the root system moves from one flowerpot to another along with a lump of earth, practically without being damaged.

Young laurel trees are replanted approximately every 2 years.

If it is not growing very actively, and there is enough space in the pot for the roots, you can do this even less often. Plants five years old and older are replanted after 4 years. New pot take 3 cm wider than the previous one. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom. It will ensure timely drainage of water and protect root system from stagnation of water.

You can use almost any soil, even ordinary garden soil. Add a little humus. If the soil is clayey, add sand to increase moisture permeability. If it is sandy, add a little clay. It will help you hold required amount moisture. Water the laurel generously, wait until the water is absorbed and the soil pulls away from the walls of the pot. Carefully remove the tree, laying it on its side on matting or oilcloth. Inspect the root system. If there are damaged roots, carefully cut them off and sprinkle the cut area with crushed charcoal. If possible, remove drainage pebbles entwined with roots.

The laurel crown lends itself well to shaping and pruning:

  • It is carried out in early spring so that the young shoots have time to grow. Lignified branches are shortened by 20 cm. New shoots will appear from the buds located below the cut point, and the bush will become curly and voluminous.
  • By pruning you can give the laurel the required form: ball, cone, pyramid or other, figured.
  • To form the crown unusual shape need to start with young, trim more often, but little by little.
  • Some gardeners advise pruning laurel at the end of summer. They leave young shoots that will grow in the spring.

To remove scale insects manually, remove them using a damp cotton swab. This is a longer process. The treatment must be carried out until the scale insects disappear. But then you need to control it for some time, because young individuals may appear. At home, laurel is susceptible to some diseases, fungal or viral. A sign of damage may be a black sooty coating on the bottom side leaves. To combat them they use biological drugs, for example, "Gamair".

If the conditions for growing laurel are violated, it reacts by changing its appearance:

  • If the indoor air is too dry, the leaves will begin to curl.
  • If they dry out, you need to lower the room temperature.

These same symptoms may indicate high density air. Lower the temperature or move the plant to a cool place. Cover with a plastic bag. This will help increase the humidity. Soon the young leaves will begin to grow.

If the indoor temperature is too high in winter, the laurel may completely lose its leaves.

In this case, you need to move it to a cooler room. If you put it on plastic bag, then the leaves will recover very quickly. Laurel leaves are almost the same as those sold in the store. But experts do not recommend using it for food. It may happen that when grown in a greenhouse or in a flower shop, it was susceptible to processing chemicals, harmful to the human body. And in modern apartments and offices, it can absorb hazardous substances. In addition, as a result of drying at home, the leaves may lose their aroma.

More information can be found in the video:

Bay leaves grow in warm Mediterranean climates, but it is very interesting to talk about whether bay leaves can be grown at home? After all, today there is a large number of opportunities to create a microclimate on your windowsill that will completely suit this plant. Moreover, it is widely known that laurel is not considered a very demanding plant. It easily tolerates temperature changes and is not very demanding on moisture. Therefore, growing a tasty, fragrant seasoning at home is quite simple. And when the shoots grow enough, you can delight your family and guests with rich borscht, spreading the mouth-watering aromas of your own bay leaves!

The subtropical climate of the Mediterranean is ideal for good growth of the bay tree. In our country, the plant feels good in the natural environment of the Krasnodar region. However, there are many known cases when own plots gardeners grow good bushes and middle lane. The leaves are quite fragrant and are perfect for seasoning homemade broths.

Laurel trees belong to the Laurel family. Today three types of these plants are known. They are evergreen, for home grown Noble laurel is best suited.

Growing homemade bay leaves

In general, we can say that laurel is not a picky plant, therefore, with proper care, moisturizing and feeding, it is not even the most experienced gardener can grow a big tree Houses. Not only can its leaves be used in the kitchen for all types of dishes: both first and second, the incredible fragrant aromas of the growing tree will soar in all rooms.

It is known that growing laurel secretes phytoncides, which very effectively fight bacteria and fungi. So we can say with confidence that home tree will protect the family from frequent illnesses and colds.

Location and lighting

Laurel is rightfully one of the unpretentious types of vegetation. It easily tolerates even difficult conditions. But, still, if you want to see a fragrant, healthy and beautiful tree, then it is better to create the most favorable conditions.

Thus, many gardeners note that a flower pot can be placed in any part of the room: be it the south or even the north side. The plant will grow in both limited light and excessive sun exposure. The only thing is that the size of the pet depends on the conditions. On the south side you will become the owner of a large and stately bush that can easily overcome even a two-meter height. In different lighting, your bush is unlikely to please the eye with its lush growth.

Watering and fertilizing

Lavrushka is good at frequent moisturizing. In general, you should try to thoroughly water the soil in the pot about once every 5 days in winter and at least once every 3 days during hot days. To prevent the soil from becoming too moist, it is better to organize it at the bottom of the pot. good drainage, allowing excess liquid to pass into the saucer. However, it will not be superfluous to water the plant even every day during particularly hot seasons. Monitor the need to moisten the soil based on the degree of drying upper layers soil.

It is advisable to settle the water in advance, because most often in our country the liquid contains a lot of iron. Hard water It is unlikely to please any representative of the flora, especially those grown at home.

Please note that laurel bushes will be very happy if you sprinkle a small drop over them warm water. Let it fall on the leaves, trunk, top layer of soil. You shouldn’t do this frequently, but in the warm season it is better to spray water at least once a month.

Very good decision A container of water placed next to the pot will serve. The liquid will evaporate and moisturize in the warm season ambient air, creating pleasant conditions for normal growth of the bush.


Laurel grows slowly, but can grow to quite impressive sizes. In wildlife, trees easily reach six meters or more. Certainly, home sample can hardly boast of such growth. But this does not mean that over time your compact bush will not outgrow the room’s capabilities.

The first pruning procedure is best done on a fully grown plant. When it reaches two years, the upper shoot of the crown is carefully cut off from the bush. Then, when the top acquires side shoots, they are also carefully thinned out.
It is best to prune in late summer, when the plant has finished growing. There is no point in not working on flower formation at all. Otherwise, you will end up with an untidy tree.

Air temperature and humidity

Laurel is extremely unpretentious to temperature conditions. Few pets can boast of resistance to quite low temperatures winter, and this tree will happily overwinter at 10 degrees Celsius. Of course, such a regime is not typical for a living room, but, anyway, try not to keep laurel in winter at high temperatures.

Advice. As soon as the cold weather passes, and at night average temperature will stop falling below zero, you can safely send the tree to fresh air. For example, a balcony or summer garden is a good choice.

In summer, try not to overheat the bush. 20-25 degrees will be enough. Laurel does not like dry air. Therefore, artificially increase the humidity by spraying. Place a saucer of water near the flower.

The soil

Absolutely any soil will be suitable for your bay leaf. The main thing is to ensure good drainage of the pot and try to feed the flower so that it grows beautifully, with the correct shape.

Reproduction methods

Many gardeners advise using one of three simple types bay leaf dilutions:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • bends.


The most reliable method of growing laurel is using seeds. Many stores offer bay leaves. Today it is not a problem to place an order online. The right time for sowing is January. This is due to the fact that the seed can lie in the ground for quite a long time. The first shoots appear no earlier than a month later, but may not emerge for up to six months. Therefore, planting in winter will result in the plant growing in spring and summer: the most favorable time in terms of temperature and humidity.

Attention! Many gardeners advise propagating laurel using seeds. This is explained by the fact that from the very beginning the bush will grow and form under the same conditions and will not experience stress from changes in temperature or humidity of the environment. In addition, you can purchase the required number of seeds at affordable price and in almost any store.

Store seeds in a cool place until sowing time. For example, a refrigerator or a shaded buffet. Before planting the seeds, they must be soaked because they have a thick skin. This will significantly speed up the process of new shoots appearing.

There are no special soil requirements for seed growth. Anyone will do fertile soil, which you can prepare yourself or buy at a flower shop. The only thing is very important condition: the top layer should be laid out 2-3 centimeters with calcined sand. This is very important for the seeds to be accepted.

By the way, many people advise thoroughly calcining the entire soil before planting seeds in the ground to kill bacteria and pests. It is believed that this recommendation is useful not only for propagation by seeds, but also for cuttings and layering.

The seed is sunk about 1 cm. A mini-greenhouse is arranged above the pot. Suitable for this plastic bag or even glass jar. The greenhouse must be ventilated periodically.

Ripening occurs in different ways and depends on temperature. But when the shoot throws out the first two leaves, the new plant can be replanted separately. It is not necessary to use store-bought pots. First time ideal home A yogurt cup will serve as a container for your baby.


Growing a bay leaf from a cutting is more difficult than from a seed. For cuttings, the middle or lower part of the branch is usually chosen. It is best to take a young bush, the stem of which has not yet been covered with wooden bark. The most important condition is that the new shoot has three free areas between the bases of the leaves (the so-called internodes).

The bottom cut must be made oblique. The leaves at the base of the cutting are removed, and the top ones are cut to about half so that they do not evaporate too much moisture.

The soil can be enriched with special additives that will promote rapid development of roots. Of course, a greenhouse is being built over the shoot. New laurel trees need to be watered frequently. Spray 4-5 times every day. After the root system appears (usually after a month), the shoot is transplanted to a permanent location.

By layering

It is quite easy to obtain a shoot of a young plant using a method that is very often used for propagating grapes. To do this, layering is done from a young shoot. The lower branch is lowered and buried in the prepared small groove. There the stem is securely fastened so that it for a long time remained in the ground. In the place where the branch will be covered with earth, an incision is made in the bark.

It is important to provide the sprinkled ditch with very good watering. After some time, a young shoot will emerge from the ground. It is dug up, carefully separated from the lower branch at the base and transplanted into its own pot.
Next, as with cuttings: the first time good watering and greenhouse conditions.

How and when to replant laurel?

The bay tree does not grow quickly. At good conditions maintenance, bushes are replanted every two years. New dishes are taken so that the width exceeds the previous one by several centimeters. Older plants are replanted every 3-4 years, as they grow. It is important to try to use the same soil for the same shoot.

In order for the bush to form as healthy and beautiful as possible, already for annual plants It is customary to generously fertilize the soil. Manure is good for this purpose. The main thing is to dilute it with water so as not to burn the roots. You can enrich the soil no more than once a month. But fertilizing rarely, less than twice a year, will also not benefit the formation of a noble appearance of the pet.
Laurel also prefers mineral fertilizers, which can be selected in flower shops. It's good if you make it a rule to alternate different types fertilizers

Diseases and pests

Laurel does not tolerate dry air very well, as it historically grows near sea coasts. Therefore, when humidity is low, the bush begins to dry out and shed its leaves.

The unpretentiousness of the plant allows almost any owner to grow a full-fledged bush. In fact, the bay tree does not require anything other than good moisture. And few flowers do not require watering. You also need to fertilize the soil at least sometimes, since bay bushes are replanted quite infrequently.


Growing bay leaves at home is very good idea. There are no particular difficulties with care or reproduction. Laurel most often develops well on its own. And if you monitor your pet’s growth especially carefully, then you can safely talk about a lot of advantages that the owner of this wonderful bush will receive.


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