Bladderwort - proper planting of the shrub and caring for it. Bladderwort is an excellent solution for organizing a hedge.

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One of, perhaps, the most unpretentious plants, in Lately widely used in landscape design is a shrub with interesting name vesicular carp. Let's figure out how to plant and care for a plant such as viburnum leaf, and how to use it in garden design.

Viburnum foliage: planting and care, photos of interesting compositions in the garden

It is not difficult to guess that the name of the shrub is telling, and was given to the plant because of its peculiar fruits, which are small balls with an uneven, bubbly structure. If you press on such a ball, it easily bursts, making a characteristic sound.

Bladderwort: description, types and varieties (photo)

Physocarpus is a deciduous shrub of the Rosaceae family, 1.5–2 m high. There are about 10 species, which include the fairly common P. amur (Ph. amurensis), P. stellata Ph. stellatus and the most popular North American species today is the viburnum vesicle (Ph. opulifolius).

The appearance of the bladderwort is a spreading, fountain-shaped shrub, with rather wide flat leaves, the color of which depends on the variety and includes the entire gradation of green (from bright yellow to dark saturated green), as well as red-crimson shades.

The shrub is decorated with white small flowers, collected in small beautiful inflorescences - caps; their flowering lasts two months - June, July. But as for the color of vesicular carp fruits, they gradually change their color throughout the entire ripening period - at the very beginning they have a light green tint, and closer to autumn they turn dark burgundy.

Main characteristics vesicular carp, which sets it apart from its fellows is its ability to grow well in the shade. It can be safely planted in dark areas where the shadow of a house or fence falls almost 24 hours a day, and it will also grow and bloom. Although, of course, in the sun its foliage is brighter and shimmering.

The shrub tolerates heat easily and will definitely not die from lack of frequent watering, although it loves water. The bladderwort is easy to trim, making it an indispensable part of landscape design. And since the bush grows quickly, recovery after cutting does not take much time.

But the bladderwort is not only ornamental plant. It, or rather its greenery, contains various phenolic compounds and phenolcarboxylic acids, which makes it possible to use it in medicine.

There are many varieties of bladderwort; they are grouped according to color:

  • Yellow-green bladderworts – Luteus, Darts Gold, Nugget, Nanus;
  • Red bladderworts – Schuch, Diabolo (Purpureus), Summer Wine, Red Baron, Little Devil, Little Angel;
  • Mixed bicolor vesicles – Coppertina, Center Glow, Jefam.

But they all differ not only in the color of the leaves, but also in the shape and shade of the flower caps.

Planting and propagation of bladderwort: methods and features

Planting bladderwort on your property is a simple matter. The main thing is to decide how to plant the plant:

  • Cuttings. This is the most effective method, excluding, of course, a ready-made purchased plant in a container. After all, a store-bought seedling is already “ready”; it just needs to be planted correctly and arranged in the soil. But a cutting is still only a potential seedling, but still.

When taking cuttings from an already growing vesicle (and if it doesn’t exist yet, you can borrow it from neighbors or friends), you should use only this year’s shoots for planting material. Cutting is done with a sharp garden knife. There should be at least two internodes on the cutting (20 cm). After the cuttings are ready, they are placed in a growth simulator, for example, “Kornevin”, and act according to the instructions. You can also use folk method– dilute a spoonful of honey in a bucket of water and leave the cuttings in it for a day.

The cuttings are planted in a pot or other similar container. The filling of this container is wet sand and peat pre-treated at high temperatures (calcined in the oven, for example).

The humidity here is main indicator, therefore its level must be carefully monitored, at least until the first bud appears. Rooted cuttings are planted in a permanent place next spring.

  • Dividing the bush. This method, as professionals say, is the easiest. Divide the bush in spring or autumn. To do this, it is completely dug up and divided into shares - each with its own root system and shoots. Then they are planted in prepared holes. The main thing is to do this very quickly so that the roots of the bushes do not dry out during the process of transplanting to a new place.
  • Layerings. Bladderwort propagation by layering is carried out in the spring. For this, the strongest and healthiest shrub is selected, and a shoot with the same characteristics is taken for propagation. All foliage is torn off from the selected shoot, except for the very top, where the leaves should be left. The branch is bent to the ground, digging a depression (10 cm) at the place of their contact, and dug in. For straight growth, it is best to use a peg to which you tie it. This shoot should be watered abundantly all summer, only in this case it will give good roots by autumn. Then it is dug up and planted in a permanent place. During its first independent winter, it must be covered.
  • Seeds - no The best way growing bladderwort, since seedlings do not inherit decorative characteristics mother plant, besides there is a lot of fuss with them. Before planting, the seeds must be stratified for a month.

Planting bladderwort in the ground: necessary conditions

When planting a seedling in open ground, several conditions must be met.

The bladderwort is practically indifferent to the composition of the soil; it will grow normally in any soil. Of course, it will prefer loose soils that easily allow oxygen and moisture to pass through, with a slightly acidic pH - here it will grow widely and quickly, but in other soils under the right conditions it will grow no worse. But there is still one nuance: the bush does not like proximity groundwater and also cannot tolerate a lot of lime, and can become seriously ill. Otherwise, the bladderwort is unpretentious.

Before planting, the soil must be dug up, loosened, and all weeds and residues from last year are removed. Dig a 50x50 cm hole under the seedling. A layer of humus is placed at the bottom of the hole. If there are several plants, then there should be at least 2 meters between them, otherwise they will only interfere with each other. Of course, in the case of growing hedges, plantings are done more often, 35-45 cm.

The vesicular carp seedling is placed strictly vertically in the hole. It is advisable to straighten the roots as much as possible. Then they are covered with soil, leaving the root collar exposed. The earth is compacted. The newly planted plant is watered and then mulched with peat.

Caring for an adult bladderwort

It is a mistake to think that if a plant is unpretentious, then you can plant it and simply forget about it. The bladderwort lives on average 30 years, and you still need to pay attention to it.

Caring for a bladderwort is not at all difficult and consists of several basic actions.

  • Bush pruning. The pruning required for the plant is sanitary. It is carried out in mandatory every spring, and without regret, they cut off all the diseased, damaged, and withered branches during the winter. But in the second year of life, the shrub will require stimulating pruning. As for decorative pruning, it is carried out at will, but only after the bush is three years old. You can do this both in the spring and at other times, but only when the plant has bloomed; you should not do this before flowering. To prevent the vesicle from degenerating and aging, once every five years it is completely pruned - to the root, leaving only 20-centimeter stumps.
  • Watering the plant should be given increased attention; it should be regular, especially during the period of establishment of the bush. The bladderwort needs increased watering per day clay soils in the hot summer. Here, each bush will simply need 30-40 liters of water twice a week. In other cases, watering is determined independently - based on the condition of the soil. But on clay soils you should be careful - stagnation can form there, which leads to rotting of the roots.
  • Mulching for bladderwort, as for any other crop, allows you to create an optimal atmosphere for the root zone. The soil breathes, which means the plant’s roots receive oxygen. Mulching creates the correct moisture regime, smoothing out its fluctuations. Therefore, this procedure should be carried out more often, and organic matter should be used for this.
  • It is also necessary to feed the bladderwort, this is the only way it will be healthy and cheerful. This is done ideally twice a year - after winter (to stimulate foliage growth) and before winter.
    • For spring: Add ½ liter of ladybug (or bird droppings) and 1 liter of weed infusion to a bucket of water. Or use other nitrogen fertilizers.
    • For autumn: Infuse 1 glass of wood ash in a bucket of water. Or others use mineral fertilizers(who has not yet switched to organic farming).

The prepared solutions are used to water the bushes - 15 liters per plant.

Since the bladderwort is quite resistant to cold and tolerates winter without problems, it does not need shelter. With the exception of the first year of life, when its root system has not yet fully grown.

Another advantage of the bladderwort is that it practically does not get sick and no pest likes it. The only disease that can appear in a bush is chlorosis, which occurs due to a lack of nutrients in the soil - iron, magnesium, nitrogen. It is easy to correct this situation - you just need to fertilize with complex fertilizers. The main thing is to notice something is wrong in time.

The use of vesicular carp in landscape design

It is not for nothing that this plant is widely used in the garden, because it is perfect for landscape design. And the point here is not only in unpretentiousness and rapid growth, but rather in its artistic form and a variety of colors. The bladderwort changes its color throughout the year, and this adds variety to general form garden You can also combine different varieties plants and get an indescribable palette of colors.

Bladderwort can be used as an independent plant in a composition - both as a center plant and as an auxiliary plant. It is easy to trim and can be given almost any shape. Combines well with conifers. Also often used as a background for more small plants.

But sometimes, poorly used purple in the garden can create the illusion of “failure”, so it must be shaded with other shades. Here is a small diagram with an example of what to plant next to the Diablo vesicle:

In terms of decorative qualities and unpretentiousness, it is difficult to compare this ornamental shrub with any other, so it is increasingly gaining popularity. Plant viburnum leaf carp in your home; planting and caring for it will not cause you much trouble, and photos of compositions with its participation will always be bright and, one might even say, elegant.

Bladderwort is a flowering perennial shrub, which is otherwise called “spirea”. This plant is becoming increasingly popular due to its unpretentiousness and excellent decorative qualities. Hedge, made from bladderwort, can become a real decoration of any garden plot. Moreover, in nature there are many varieties of this plant, which differ from each other in the color of the leaves and buds.

Planting a bladderwort, like any other plant, begins with choosing it permanent place growth. It prefers well-lit areas and is otherwise quite unpretentious. Spiraea grows throughout almost the entire northern hemisphere of the planet and is able to adapt to any type of soil. The main thing is to comply with the following condition: the bladderwort does not like proximity to large oversized trees.

To plant, you need to dig a hole so deep that a layer of soil can fit on its bottom. fertile soil, and the root collar of the plant seedling was at soil level. There is no need to resort to the use of any fertilizers during the planting process, because in the first days of development in the soil, the bladderwort will not be able to absorb them.

Caring for this plant consists of timely pruning and regular watering. The only thing this crop cannot tolerate is drought, so in the summer you will have to water the bush often. But you should be careful, because water should not get on the inflorescences and leaves. By the way, it is better to water either early in the morning or in the evening. This plant needs pruning to give it a well-groomed appearance. decorative look. If this is not done, then the bladderwort most often sends out several long branches and loses neatness. That is why, as they grow, the branches need to be cut off with pruners or sharp knife, then the plant will form and grow thickly and beautifully. If you cut a very thick branch, then it is best to process the cut special means, it will protect the bush and promote rapid healing.

In addition to timely pruning and watering, spirea requires fertilizer and prevention. This needs to be done only once a year, in the spring, when plant growth is most active. It is recommended to use manure mixed with a small amount of ammonium nitrate as a fertilizer. This composition must be placed under the bush in a small layer, but in such a way that the trunk is not covered. In addition, in the spring the bush should be carefully examined and, if necessary, painful and dry branches should be cut out.

Bladderwort: reproduction features

Gardeners often have questions: how does the bladderwort reproduce? How can it be transplanted? Spiraea has fibrous root system, because of this, it tolerates transplantation to another place of growth well. It can be done using 2 methods. If you just want to transplant the plant to another area, then you need to dig it up with an extremely large lump of soil, trying not to destroy it. This method is called transshipment.

If the bush looks sick or weak, then the lump should be carefully disassembled to inspect the root system. It may have become infected with rot or fungus. Affected roots should be removed by cutting, and the sections themselves should be sprinkled wood ash. After this, the bladderwort can be planted in a hole into which turf soil mixed with sand was previously poured.

2nd, most effective and easy way propagation of this shrub by cuttings. Moreover, in this way, instead of just one plant, you can get several at once. It is best to do this in late spring or early summer, while the flowering process has not yet begun. Cuttings of spirea are no different from propagating other plants in the same way.

Using a sharp knife, you should trim healthy and strong branches of the bush, which have about 2-3 internodes, clean them of leaves (this will significantly reduce the evaporation of moisture), dry them a little and plant them in calcined and clean sand. When new buds begin to bloom on the cuttings, they can be planted in open ground. It is better to do this next to the plant from which, in fact, the cuttings were taken.

The young shrub should spend its first winter covered, in this case already next spring on garden plot new plants will appear.

  • Despite the fact that the bladderwort is one of the most unpretentious plants to care for, its development and active growth directly depend on many aspects, one of which is its timely and correct pruning. All types of spirea tolerate this process well, which allows them to be made into neat bushes with compact and dense crowns. This plant is given both molding and sanitary pruning.
  • During the process of sanitary pruning, broken and damaged branches are removed. It is usually done in the spring or as needed. In this case, you need to pay attention to appearance plants. Molding is done after the end of the flowering period. It is necessary to trim the shoots to 1/2 or 1/3 of the crown size. In the 2nd and subsequent years, you need to trim 2/3 of the size.
  • A hedge created from vesicular carp needs to be trimmed 1-2 times during the growing season, but more often if necessary. The first haircut should be done in April-May, while the buds have not yet bloomed, and subsequent ones - as needed. Sometimes pruning of the bladderwort is done for rejuvenating purposes. In this case, old shoots must be removed to the base, and the rest - to the point where the side shoot originates. This type of pruning should be done in autumn period when the leaves fall off the plant or in early spring, before the spirea blooms. If plant species with colored foliage produce shoots with green leaves, they need to be removed.

Viburnum foliage: photo

Bladderwort is an easy-to-grow and beautiful perennial shrub. He doesn't demand special attention and care, but it has a very beautiful and unusual appearance. At correct pruning it can turn out amazing and original decoration any garden plot!

Among the shrubs, there are few that would combine decorativeness, ease of cultivation and low maintenance requirements as advantageously as the vesicular carp. Look at the photo, how can you pass by such a handsome man, because he does not lose his charm even in winter. Planting will not take much time, but you will admire the decoration of the bush for many years.

Varieties and varieties of bladderwort

Sometimes the vesicular carp is called erroneously, but this is a misconception. These two plants belong to the same family, but belong different kinds. In an adult plant, the bark is separated from the shoot in wide strips. The fruits of the vesicular carp look like a bubble, which gives the plant its name. Varieties of viburnum-leaved bladderwort are used in decorative landscaping. These varieties are grouped according to foliage color.

Varieties with red color leaf blade:

  • Diablo;

  • Summer Wine;

Variety Summer Wine

  • Red Baron;

Variety Red Baron

  • Schuch.

Varieties having yellow leaf blade:

  • Luteus;

  • Darts Gold;

Variety Darts Gold

  • Nugget.

Varieties double painted:

  • Center Glow;

Variety Center Glow

  • Coppertina.

Variety Coppertina


Of course, planting a bladderwort, like any plant, begins with a choice suitable place. Bladderwort grows well both in the sun and in the shade. Does not grow well in soils with high level groundwater and high lime content. Such soil can provoke chlorosis or rotting of the roots, which will lead to the death of the bush. The plant does not impose any special conditions on soil fertility.

You can safely plant the plant as a hedge along the road, since the bladderwort tolerates urban air pollution very well.

The bladderwort is completely unpretentious to the planting site

It is better to purchase a plant for planting with a closed root system in nurseries. This way you will have a guarantee of purchasing a varietal seedling. Container seedlings can be planted at any time, except winter months. Planting material with an open root system, plant in spring or autumn. Autumn landing preferable, since the conditions for rooting are more favorable than in the spring.

There are no tricks when planting: a hole is dug so that the root collar is level with the ground surface. Filled with fertile soil composition and well watered. The top is mulched with humus, peat or just dry soil.

Bladderwort seedlings

To obtain a hedge from bladderwort, young seedlings are planted in a two-row manner in a checkerboard pattern. A distance of 35 cm is left between the rows, and 45 cm in the row. Such a hedge can be formed by pruning, giving it the appearance of a meter-high rectangle. A free-growing hedge, limited only by pruning on the sides, will grow 1.8 - 2.5 m, depending on the variety planted.

Advice. Shrub varieties with golden or purple foliage, such as Diabolo or Darts Gold, are best planted on sunny areas, since in the shade the decorativeness of foliage decreases.

Hassle-free care

Despite the fact that the bladderwort belongs to unpretentious plants, this does not mean that you should plant it and forget about it. The life expectancy of the bush is 30 years. Under favorable conditions, the shrub is capable of adding up to 45 cm in width and height during the growing season; in the second year, only flowering shoots form on the regrown shoots, so stimulating pruning and crown formation are vital for the bush. The plant tolerates this procedure very well and recovers quickly. For the winter it does not require any additional shelter, the vesicle is very winter-hardy, only in severe frosts can the tips of its shoots freeze.

The bladderwort does not require special care


Young, newly planted plants require special attention to soil moisture, because their survival rate depends on this. In general, the frequency and abundance of watering depends on the age, soil composition and climatic zone of growth.

  1. When the bladderwort grows on loams and high temperatures V summer period, regular watering will be required twice a week, four buckets of water per adult bush.
  2. On heavy clay soils It is important not to over-moisten the soil, so as not to provoke the death of the root system.

Keep watering in moderation


Pruning can be divided into sanitary and formative. Sanitary pruning carried out in the spring, its task is to remove broken or frozen branches of the plant. Formative pruning is best done in the spring, but can also be done in the fall.

Free-growing bladderwrack bushes have a fountain-shaped crown. The plant's top buds are always the first to wake up and begin to grow. If you want to get a wide bush with many shoots, cut the branches at a height of half a meter. The fountain-like shape is achieved by cutting out all thin shoots to ground level. There should be about five of the strongest shoots left in the bush; they are additionally shortened to a height of one and a half meters from the ground. Radical pruning is carried out every 4–5 years, leaving stumps 15–20 cm from the ground.

Bladderwort looks great as a hedge

Pruning begins when the plant reaches three years of age. To give the bush a more compact shape, you can shorten the young shoots 2–3 times during the growing season.

Advice. If for any reason an adult bush needs to be transplanted to a new location, do it in the fall, after the leaves have flown. Remove excess branches and shorten the rest by 30 cm. An adult bush is planted in the same way as a young plant.

Fertilizer and feeding of shrubs

Feed the bladderwort twice a season. In spring, fertilizers containing an increased dose of nitrogen will be required for the growth of vegetative mass. This should be done at the moment the buds open. Use an infusion of mullein or bird droppings at the rate of half a liter per bucket of water. In autumn, a solution of nitroammophoska is used approximately Matchbox fertilizer in a bucket of water. For adult bladderwrack bushes that have reached 10 years or more, the dose of fertilizing is increased by half.

Feed the crop 2 times a year

The bladderwort responds well to mulching the tree trunk circle organic materials. Mulch creates favorable conditions for the roots of the plant: the soil does not overheat, it is structured and breathes, moisture surges are minimized. Mulch will save you from constant loosening and weeding.

Methods of propagation of bladderwort

Bladderwort is easy to propagate on your own - by layering or cuttings, like currants, or by dividing a bush. The seed method is also possible, but the fact is that seedlings rarely inherit the characteristics of the mother plant from which the seeds were taken. Besides, this is a troublesome task. The vegetative method of plant propagation is more reliable and gives consistently quick results.

Reproduction by layering. This is the least labor-intensive option. Select a healthy and strong shoot in the spring, tear off the foliage, leaving only the top intact. Now we place this shoot in a pre-dug trench, 10–15 cm deep, and press it to the ground with a wire or wood pin. We bend the top with the leaves vertically upward and tie it to a wooden peg. The buried part of the shoot will give roots. Now the main task is to moisten the soil in a timely manner so that the young roots are well strengthened by autumn. On next year In early spring, you can plant a young bush in a permanent place.

Bladderwort in landscape design

Propagation by cuttings. For this purpose, young shoots are cut current year about 20 cm long. At the top of the head, the foliage is shortened by half, the rest is completely removed. The lower part can be slightly scratched to quickly form callus, which will subsequently give roots. For a day, put the cuttings in a bucket of water, to which we add a drug that stimulates the formation of roots or a spoonful of honey. Now you can plant the cuttings in the school.

The soil must breathe, so we prepare the cuttings in advance and add soil from a mixture of peat and sand. We cover the school with film and do not forget to moisten, ventilate and spray. In winter, the cuttings need shelter, and in the spring they can be planted in a permanent place.

Bladderwort cuttings

To propagate bladderwort by seeds, they must be stratified for a month before planting. Plant the seeds to a depth of 2–3 cm.

Diseases and pests

Another advantage of the bladderwort is that it is practically not affected by diseases and pests. It is rare to observe leaf chlorosis - when the tips of the shoots dry out and the foliage turns yellow, the veins remain green. This is due to a lack of microelements in the soil: elements of iron, magnesium or nitrogen, or waterlogging of the root ball. Chlorosis can be caused by viruses and microorganisms that are carried by pests. Applying complex fertilizers with watering or spraying the foliage with chelated compounds will help the bladderwort restore health.

Bladderwort diseases mainly occur due to improper care

Bladderwort is good as a solo plant and excellent as a living fence in mixed group plantings. Even the bark of this shrub is decorative. Leaves and flowers that change shades throughout the season will add contrasting color variety to the green decoration of the garden area.

Bladderwort in the garden: video

Growing bladderwort: photo

The vesicular carp shrub is a representative of the genus of deciduous shrubs, i.e. plants that shed their leaves for the winter. The leaves are mostly three-lobed, with teeth. The word vesicular carp itself describes its fruits - highly swollen, opening at the top. Plants decorate gardens, squares and streets. Decorations made from trimmed bushes are very impressive. The most widespread species is Phusocarpus opolifolia (spirea viburnum). In this article we will find out what other species exist in nature. Let's talk about the importance of the viburnum vesicle in landscape design. talks about which varieties are most often used. Issues such as growing, planting and subsequent care of shrubs are covered. In the meantime, look at the photo of viburnum leaf - a wide variety of compositions and types are presented:

Let's get acquainted with the bladderwort - description and photo

Let's take a closer look at this plant; the description of the culture and photos offered below give general idea. Unlike evergreen shrubs, such as oleander, psyllid, and cherry laurel, the viburnum-leaved bladderwrack shrub (Phusocarpus opolifolius) belongs to the deciduous types of flora. The leaves of some species turn from bright green to bright red in the fall. But the flowers that appear in June-July are quite small and, as a rule, inconspicuous. Latin name directly indicates that the fruits are shaped like a bubble (physo).

The bladderwort can be 3 meters high, its leaves from 2 to 7 cm in size grow round-oval, 3-5 lobed, with denticles along the edges and are very reminiscent of the leaves of the common viburnum. Their color does not “fade” until the first days of warm winter. The bark has a rusty chocolate color and its appearance is quite pleasant.

In mid-June, when many woody plants have already bloomed, the time of the vesicular carp comes, and numerous fragrant pinkish-white inflorescences appear. Judging by the appearance of the flowers, it becomes clear that the plants are close relatives of spirea and other Rosaceae. Light small flowers bloom in umbrella-shaped clusters with a diameter of “umbrellas” up to 5 cm. You will count 5 sepals and petals, but the number of stamens cannot be counted. They are bright red in color, stick out from the flowers and give them a fluffy appearance.

The shrub is capable of growing very quickly. It is not afraid of frost and is resistant to shade. Nature experts call it drought and gas resistant. The green pet differs from others in that it forms abundant adventitious buds (root suckers). For the most part, for this reason, its life is not threatened by dry soil. On dry soils, it is also recommended to plant lilac, pomegranate, all types of panicle, wolfberry, and low almond. Planted next to bladderwort, they will add bright colors and aroma during the flowering period.

Look at the photo of the bladderwrack shrub in different periods plant growing season:

3 popular ways to propagate bladderwort

There are 3 popular ways by which new generations of plants appear. Any bladderwort for propagation produces large quantities of seeds, as well as mature and herbaceous cuttings. In addition, bush division is used.

The fruits appear green. To compensate for the inconspicuousness of the flowers, the bubble-shaped leaflets (fruits) turn red in the fall and look very piquant in September-October. Finally, they dry to a reddish-brown hue, open and produce numerous small seeds. Ripe fruits, squeezed in the hand, make a cracking noise, so they often become a toy for children living outside the city. Seeds are sown after they are collected in October-November. Their stratification is useful (2 months at a temperature of 5 ºС).

For garden forms a more relevant method of propagation by cuttings:

  • cuttings are taken this year, in June-July they are cut so that 2-3 internodes remain;
  • remove the lower leaves and cut the remaining ones by ½;
  • treated with special root formation stimulants, for example, dipped in the “Kornevin” product;
  • planted in the ground or in boxes with a mixture of peat and sand.

Planting perennials of medium height is carried out based on the norm of 4-10 pieces per 1 sq.m., and low-growing ones - 10-25 pieces per 1 sq.m. The distance between plants is 0.8 m. The plant is not recommended to be planted in the extreme northeast (beyond the Arkhangelsk-Perm line). Subtropical areas are not suitable for it either.

Russian varieties and forms of North American shrubs

Among the main taxa of plants, genus and species are distinguished. There are 14 species in the genus in question, including Red Baron vesicle, Darts gold vesicle, etc. Thirteen of the 14 species of shrubs were born in North America. But since porous calcareous soil, rocky slopes, and various conditions There was a rapid spread of the plant throughout the world. Today, varieties and forms of North American shrubs can be found in South America, Europe, and Asia Minor.

Anyone who has already seen the vesicular carp in the photo appreciated the diversity of its “appearance”. And basically this appearance varies in the height of the bushes and the color of the leaves. For example, the viburnum-leaved bladdercarp shrub exhibits 3 main Russian varieties: yellow, golden-edged, low.

Bladderwort varieties for landscape design should be selected depending on their botanical characteristics:

  • the yellow form (lutea) is named for its leaves, which turn from bright yellow to bronze yellow over time;
  • golden-marginated (aureo-marginata) have a dark golden stripe (border) along the edge;
  • the third form is low (nana) - a bush with a height of up to 1 m and shallowly lobed leaves with a dark shade of green.

In addition to viburnum-leaved, there are many varieties: currant-leaved, star-shaped, Amur. Externally, they do not differ much, and are not widely used in Russia.

The benefits and practical use of shrubs in landscape design

Unpretentiousness, resistance to urban conditions and decorative qualities contribute to the fact that planting of bladderwort is used not only in private areas, but also on city streets. In green construction, it is indispensable for the formation of edges, groups, and undergrowth in sparse tree groups. A common area of ​​application is tapeworms on lawns. The benefits of the plant are invaluable, because practical use Shrubs in the formation of landscape design are not limited only to the formation of hedges.

Gardeners rejoice in their wonderful hedges. The purpose of the shrub is informal hedges and borders. The plant allows you to improve wastelands with depleted soil layers, where landscaping with other species is almost impossible. The shrub has gained the trust of people and has long been planted in public gardens and on rural streets. Thanks to their spreading branches and dense crown, untrimmed bushes of tall species cover a significant part of fences or other buildings.

Oriental bladderworts (Colutea orientalis) are adapted to life on dry soils - medium-height shrubs with branched, raised branches and large light yellow flowers. When flowering in May-June, it becomes a honey plant and a favorite of bees. Each flower lives only 3 days, but the bush is dotted so densely that 1 sq.m. there are more than 8600 flowers. In warm autumn, the plant may again become covered with flowers. During the period of fading of other nature, it pleases the eye, but the bees no longer visit it.

Growing bladderwort: planting and subsequent care

The plant is very unpretentious. Growing bladderwort is not particularly difficult - this representative of the flora grows both under the scorching sun and in the shade of dense trees. However, although it is capable of “starving” in poor soils, it still loves and develops best where the soils are rich, well-drained, moderately moist, neutral or slightly acidic.

For the full development of the bladderwort, care consists of loosening the soil, moderate watering and pruning. Mature plants tolerate prolonged drought. Young ones need watering. But if moisture lingers and the water stagnates, they may die. Subsequent care after crown formation consists of regular application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers.

Take Lady's vesicle in ed. Its red leaves are very beautiful and, at first glance, it seems that the plant was created for life next to elite cottages. In fact, its indifference to air pollution allows it to be located near gas stations, parking lots, and factories. Any variety is not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. The bushes will not have to be sprayed and litter the surrounding area with chemicals.

Planting of viburnum leaf carp is possible both in early spring and in the first autumn months. After planting, it is necessary to provide abundant watering. A nutrient substrate and a sufficient amount of drainage are placed in the hole for rooting the cutting.

A hedge of bladderwort in landscape design (with photo)

For shaped and trimmed hedges of medium height, we recommend Luteus with golden leaves or Amur, characterized by a spherical crown, light green leaves and pink fruits. Based on the density of the branches and the color of the leaves, the plants are excellent for planting in a row.

The Diablo variety with an openwork crown and glossy leaves, pleasing to the eye at a height of up to 3 m, is ideal for tall, unshaped flowering hedges made of bladderwort in landscape design. Unpretentious Hungarian lilac, Syrian hibiscus, rose hips, and ornate jasmine can be planted next to it.

To form plantings in a line, select plants of the same size and plant them densely. By trimming it is easy to create an excellent hedge. Its meaning is both decorative and economic. If the lower branches of tall trimmed shrubs are exposed, a 2-stage planting is recommended, with a low-growing border covering the imperfections.

Garden forms look great in compositions. Golden-leafed vesicles Luteus and Darts gold or any of the golden-edged ones shine golden when grown in sunny meadows or lawns. The purple-leaved Diablo vesiculus goes well with them.

In any case, the hedge of bladderwort in landscape design and in the photo is a medium-height (2 m) non-thorny, natural “structure” pleasing to the eye. Here you can play with colors, for example, plant honeysuckle with blue fruits or regularly blooming roses nearby.

Viburnum foliage came to us from countries eastern Asia And North America. It first appeared on the pages of botanical reference books in 1793. The first attempt at cultivation was made in 1836. Since then, bushes have been a decoration of gardens and galleries not only for amateurs. exotic plants, over time it took its rightful place among the bushes. The main habitat is river banks and dense forests; it is often found on the slopes of rocks.

Currently, it is used for hedges, as well as for group or single plantings, as a garden decoration. This is one of the plants that should be protected in protected areas, despite its widespread occurrence in urban plantings. One of its names is spirea caulnofolia. Now it has ceased to be exotic and is found in almost all countries of the world.

This is mainly a shrubby species. Rarely reaching a height of more than 3 meters. But it can grow up to 4 meters or more in width. Bladderwort leaves look like propeller blades motor boat. The texture is very similar to coltsfoot greens. Front side dark green in color with tough skin, with reverse side, have padding resembling gray felt.

Video “Cuttings of bladderwort”

Plant care

For all its unpretentiousness, the viburnum leaf carp requires little care. Which basically comes down to watering, pruning and feeding the bushes. Which in general will not pose any problems even for a novice amateur gardener.

  • Watering

One plant bush will require at least 40 liters of water. You should not water the bush often; once a week is enough. The most optimal time this is just after dawn or before sunset. But compliance with the measure is important, since the plant is critical of transfusion and stagnation of water.

  • Top dressing

At the beginning of autumn, viburnum-leaved bladdercarp is fed with ammonium nitrate, urea or fertilizers with a mullein base.

Before winter, it is necessary to apply nitroammophoska to the plants. Two tablespoons of fertilizer are diluted per ten liters of water.

  • Preparing for winter

To prevent the bushes from freezing, the soil under them is sprinkled with sawdust, and the plants themselves are wrapped.

For plants that have been planted recently, the best shelter will be spruce branches.

Bladderwort hedge

Pruning viburnum leaf carp

To emphasize the beauty of the viburnum leaf carp, its crown must be trimmed.

Trimming includes:

  • the formation of the crown of a bush consists of cutting young shoots to half their length;
  • removing all damaged leaves during the wintering period of the plant;
  • it is also necessary in March and November to remove all old shoots that will no longer bear a blooming appearance;
  • decorative pruning, expressed in the formation of the design of a garden or hedge; if it is done correctly, then many additional shoots will grow from the bush.

The result of all activities will be dense and beautiful crown, which will be free from harmful insects. The only disease to which the viburnum leaf carp is susceptible is rotting of the root system if the soil where it is planted is too heavy or there is excess moisture. In such cases, it is necessary to rinse off under running water. earthen lump from the root system, trim off the damage, wash everything with potassium permanganate and transplant the shrub to a new location.

Video “Pruning viburnum vesicle”

Designer delights

Viburnum foliage will decorate any area, becoming a real highlight for it. The shrub looks exceptionally well both when planted alone and in a group of other plants.

If you plant it more densely, you will get a beautiful hedge that will not only decorate the landscape, but also serve as a magnificent fence.

Video “Hedge made from bladderwort”

The leaves of the vesicular carp, thanks to their color scheme will give the garden an elegant look. And the seeds, with their characteristic crunch, will become a wonderful toy for small children.


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