Zamioculcas - growing a dollar tree without problems and hassle. Zamioculcas: home care for an unpretentious flower

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For good growth Zamioculcas must be planted in poor, well-drained soil, which includes sand, small pebbles, perlite or expanded clay, because in nature it grows precisely on such sandy-stony soils. Such soils allow oxygen to flow freely to the roots (humus-rich mixtures remain damp for a long time, the roots stop breathing and quickly rot). From purchased soils we can recommend soil mixtures for cacti and succulents, you must add sand, perlite or expanded clay to the universal soil. In heavy soils, Zamioculcas gradually degrades.

Transfer produced as the rhizome fills the pot, young plants - every year in spring or summer, adults - once every few years. When replanting, you should take into account the growth pattern of the plant: the zamioculcas rhizome, like any stem, has a growth point, so more space must be left in its direction. Sometimes the growing rhizome severely deforms or even breaks plastic containers; therefore, it is preferable to choose clay pot.

Growing conditions and care

The first thing to remember is Zamioculcas - thermophilic plant. The optimum temperature ranges from +18 to +26 o C, a drop below +15 o C is undesirable. It tolerates heat quite well, on such days it is useful to spray the plant, increase illumination and watering.

Despite the fact that Zamioculcas is adapted to long periods of drought, this does not mean that it does not need to be watered. If there is a lack of moisture, the plant will not be able to fully photosynthesize and will starve, using only its internal reserves, doomed not to prosperity, but to survival .

Watering must be done regularly and abundantly so that Zamioculcas can store water, but between waterings the soil must dry out. The more sand there is in the soil, the better the outflow of water, the more often the plant can be watered. If zamioculcas turns yellow, this is the first sign of waterlogging. With systematic waterlogging, the roots rot, the disease spreads to the leaves, and in severe cases the plant dies quite quickly. In case of lack of water Small leaves begin to fall. During prolonged drought, Zamioculcas sheds its leaves, but the rhizome remains alive, so do not rush to throw away the plant; after watering it will produce new leaves.

Because of its undemanding nature, Zamioculcas is extremely popular among phytodesigners. The plant can exist even in the most dimly lit corners of the room. However, Zamioculcas will not grow in strong shade; for such rooms, a specimen of the required size is immediately selected, and watering is limited in such conditions. In the light, preferably with some shading, zamioculcas, on the contrary, will actively grow, and the frequency of watering can be increased. It can grow in direct sun, also with more frequent watering.

Secrets of success:

    Poor, well-drained, sand-rich, breathable soil.

    Water regularly, but immediately after the soil dries.

    The light is bright, diffused.

    Place at room temperature.

    Feeding is scarce.

    Strict compliance between temperature, lighting, watering and fertilizing. If one of the factors is deficient, the others are also reduced (for example, if there is a lack of light, watering, fertilizing and maintenance temperature are reduced); if one of the factors is in excess, the others should be increased (for example, in hot weather they provide more light, increase watering and fertilizing).

Zamioculcas resists well to various diseases and pests. But at all unfavorable conditions may be affected spider mite, rarely - scale insects or mealybugs.

Most common problem is yellowing of leaves Zamioculcas. If old leaves turn yellow, this is a natural process of leaf replacement. An adult plant can bear 15-17 leaves.

However, if young, recently grown leaves begin to actively turn yellow, then the cause is most likely excessive waterlogging of the substrate, and, as a consequence, rotting of the roots and rhizomes. In this case, it is necessary to remove the plant from the pot, carefully free it from the old soil, carefully examine the rhizome and roots, cut out all rotten parts, sprinkle with crushed coal, actively sprinkle the above-ground and underground parts of the plant with Oksikhom or Fundazol, dry it slightly and plant in fresh soil.


Zamioculcas reproduces quite easily by vegetative parts. Any piece of leaf (from a small leaf to a whole pinnately compound leaf) or rhizome is suitable for this. The leaf or part of it is planted in wet sand, perlite or a mixture of sand, perlite and peat. It is important that the soil is sterile. Place in a humid greenhouse or cover with a transparent sealed cap. The greenhouse with the plant should be in a warm place with diffused light, possibly artificial. Effectively use rooting stimulants (Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Zircon). The soil should be kept slightly moist. The process of root formation and growth of underground tuberous rhizome is quite long, lasting from one to several months. The larger part of the leaf was taken for rooting, the larger the rhizome is formed, the sooner young plant will turn into a full-fledged copy.

You can read more about the technology of rooting cuttings on our portal in the article Cuttings from indoor plants at home.

Zamioculcas can also be propagated by sections of the underground stem-rhizome. It has buds that are capable of waking up and giving lateral shoots, i.e. new plants. When a plant's old leaves die off at the age of several years and the rhizome is exposed, it is better to renew it.

Zamioculcas - perennial, evergreen, easy to care for at home. In everyday life it received the name “ dollar tree”, since, presumably, with its energy it is capable of “attracting” wealth and prosperity to its owner.

General information

According to rumors, as soon as a new piece of paper appears, a certain amount of money appears completely unexpectedly (for example, you were returned old debt, gave a bonus, received a percentage of the deposit and much more).

But if the leaf falls, then this is a warning about material problems (for example, you should not invest money in some new business - it may burn out, or the car will break down and you need to spend money on repairs, etc.). Maybe for this reason, many people like this plant, and it can be found both in apartments and offices.

There is also an opinion that the money tree, Crassula, serves to increase wealth in the houses where it grows.

There is another sign associated with another name for this flower - “female happiness”. When zamioculcas blooms, this indicates that the owner has found her betrothed, but flowering occurs very rarely and only if the care rules are followed.

Due to such a protracted period, many blame the plant and call it the “flower of celibacy.” Everyone believes in different variants but what is it beautiful and unpretentious plant– there is no dispute about this.

The flower is not very expressive. An arrow is released from the tuber, and an inflorescence begins to ripen on it, which is a white or cream-colored cob wrapped in a green “veil.”

Those who believe and follow the rules of Feng Shui should know that in order to increase savings, the flower should be placed in the south-eastern part of the room or house. If you were given a flower, then it should be a kind person with good intentions.

Zamioculcas is a genus of plants of the araceae family, represented by a single species: Zamioculcas zamiifolia, originating from tropical Africa.

Zamioculcas care at home

For healthy growth, Zamioculcas must be planted in a well-drained and “poor” substrate, consisting of turf and leaf soil, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 1), you can also add small pebbles, because in natural conditions the plant is found in rocky soils .

If you buy ready mixture, then the soil is suitable for cacti. The main thing is that oxygen flows freely to the roots and the soil dries out in time, otherwise, for example, in soils with a high humus content, water lingers at the roots for a long time, which leads to rapid rotting and the plant gradually dies.

Zamioculcas transplant at home

As for transplantation, this procedure is carried out as the rhizome grows, when the zamioculcas plant becomes crowded - it is transplanted into a more spacious pot.

When choosing containers, give preference to clay ones, since the root system is very powerful and there have been cases when the pot cracked.

Zamioculcas watering

Zamioculcas is a heat-loving plant, so it tolerates heat quite easily, just increase the humidity (frequent spraying). A temperature of 18-26°C is considered comfortable; it is better not to allow it to fall below 15°C.

It is resistant to dry periods, but it is better not to force the plant to starve, otherwise it begins to absorb its own reserves, which can lead to depletion; the leaves and trunk become thinner and turn pale.

Therefore, as long as regular watering is observed with breaks to dry the soil, Zamioculcas will be able to stock up on a sufficient amount of water. In winter, watering should be reduced to a minimum, just slightly moisten the soil so that it does not dry out.

Lighting for Zamioculcas

The plant is adapted to exist even in a dimly lit room or in the back of the room. This does not mean at all that he does not like light, on the contrary, in good lighting and accordingly good watering, it will grow much faster.

Not afraid even of straight lines sun rays, but in this case additional moisture is necessary, since the moisture will evaporate faster.

Zamioculcas propagation by cuttings

To do this, any leaf or even part of it is selected and planted in wet sand, or a mixture of sand and peat. Treat the cut with a rooting accelerator (for example, Kornevin). The soil must be sterile.

Cover the top with transparent cut plastic bottle or glass jar, for creating greenhouse conditions, and place it in a warm, well-lit place. Rooting occurs within one month to six months. The process is long. You must be patient and do not forget to ventilate the plant (remove the jar) and moisten the soil, if necessary.

Zamioculcas reproduction by tuber

Only mature plant with large tubers can be propagated this way.

The tuber is cut so that each part has at least one growth point. It is planted in the prepared substrate, without burying the head of the tuber too much. The new plant grows very slowly.

Diseases and pests

The most common problem when caring for zamioculcas is yellowing of leaves .

There are two reasons: if old leaves turn yellow , then this is a natural process of replacement with young leaves, and if new leaves begin to turn yellow , then the cause may be constant waterlogging of the soil, which led to rotting of the roots.

In some cases, if the process is not too advanced, the plant can still be saved; to do this, it must be pulled out of the pot, carefully shake off the soil, and inspect root system and trim off the rotten parts. Treat the cut areas with charcoal and spray the entire plant, for example, with Fundazol, let dry a little and plant in new ground and a pot.

Height one and a half meters, dark green leaves with shine, original flower– this is what Zamioculcas or dollar tree looks like. The plant became a favorite among flower growers in the nineties of the last century, and has already managed to win an honorable place in the team of indoor pets.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia comes from East Africa. Belongs to the Araceae family. The plant got its name due to the similarity of the leaves with the leaves of Zamia. Zamioculcas was first described by a collector tropical plants Conrad Loddigesock in 1828 under the name Caladium zamiifolium. Heinrich Wilhelm Schott mentioned it as Zamioculcas loddigesii Schott in 1856. And only in 1908 the director of the Berlin botanical garden Adolf Engler appropriated the plant modern name Zamioculcas zamiifolia.

Zamioculcas was recognized as a houseplant thanks to the Dutch auctions in 1996. Later, in 2007, amateurs indoor floriculture received a gift - the Zamicro variety, reaching a height of 60 cm.

Photos and brief information about the plant, signs

A life limited to fulfilling direct responsibilities at work and at home is a boring experience. Therefore, a person tries to diversify the life process with the help of extreme entertainment and mysticism. Traditionally, mystical properties endowed with plants and animals that people encounter most often. Zamioculcas also did not escape a similar fate. However, unlike black cats, violets or crassula, this plant is full of contradictions.

It is known that repeated repetition certain situations contributes to the birth of another sign. The appearance of Zamioculcas in the house leads to destruction family relations, or to the inability to establish personal life lonely people. The plant is one of the eight aggressive muzhegons, which is why it got its name - the flower of celibacy. Even those who don’t particularly believe in the tree’s mystical ability to keep men out of the house prefer to remove their pet from the bedroom.

"Woman's happiness"

Another name for Zamioculcas is female happiness. The complete opposite of the flower of celibacy. The presence of a tree in the house, especially after flowers appear, is considered a good sign, foreshadowing a long and happy family life. The basis for the new sign was the original flowers of the plant. Externally, the inflorescences that form at the base of the leaves look like a powerful cob wrapped in a light green stole. Flowers do not appear often, provided that the zamioculcas is carefully cared for. Probably, the mistress of the house, appreciated by the tree, cannot help but attract the attention of men, which is confirmed by her imminent marriage.

"Dollar Tree"

Another name for Zamioculcas is dollar tree. Golden mean. Accepted by everyone, pushing them to steal and perform obligatory rituals. Feng Shui masters consider the newcomer from East Africa to be a specialist in increasing the savings of home owners. The main thing is to place the succulent in the southeastern sector of the room or house. You can only keep a gifted or stolen tree in your house. Moreover, the donated plant must be redeemed from the donor by giving him a few coins. You can increase the influence of the dollar tree on the growth of savings by placing a few more coins in the pot. After strengthening, all that remains is to carefully care for the flower, since its death will be the beginning of the drying up of the cash flow into the owner’s wallet.

Secrets of care

Indoor Zamioculcas pays its owner with one and a half meters in height, shiny leaf blades of compound pinnate leaves, a powerful rhizome that forms a tuber and rare inflorescences in the form of cobs surrounded by a light green stole. The exception is the Zamicro variety, which reaches a height of 60 cm. The health of the dollar tree is a guarantee financial success owners. However, if the owner of the plant is not one of the superstitious people, then he will have to provide careful care for the succulent, at least out of respect for the only species of the genus of plants of the araceae family.

What to do after purchasing from a store

According to signs, it is not recommended to purchase zamioculcas on your own. The plant received as a gift is placed in the place intended for it and kept for adaptation for three weeks. After completion of the adaptation period, replanting is allowed, taking into account the time of year and age of the tree.

Transplantation rules, choosing a pot

Plants that are not too young are allowed to be replanted every three or four years, paying special attention to the pot. Ceramic pots are not suitable for placing zamioculcas due to the risk of plant death caused by lack of space. You should not choose tall and narrow pots, since later replanting can easily damage the root system and the plant itself. An acceptable option is a wide pot corresponding to the size of the tree.

After choosing a pot, a layer of expanded clay drainage is placed on the bottom. The fraction size is no more than 20 mm. The next layer is sand, making up one fourth of the total volume. The plant is transferred into the pot prepared in this way, adding required quantity fresh soil. The earthen lump formed in the old pot is not affected. The exception is cases of detection of rot on tubers. Old plants should only be handled as needed. The size of the new pot should not significantly exceed the size of the old dishes.

When transplanting zamioculcas, it is important to wear gloves, since the sap of the plant is poisonous.


The unpretentiousness of the African settler is evident from the first step concerning the choice of soil. Substrates without perlite prepared for cacti and succulents are suitable for the tree. Purchase a suitable substrate from any flower shop. If buying soil for succulents is problematic, the plant will not refuse any light soil free of clay impurities. However for good development It is worth taking care of a mixture consisting of turf soil, leaf soil, peat, sand and sphagnum in proportions 1: 1: 1: 1: 1/3.

Lighting: where to put the zamioculcas

The difference between Zamioculcas and other guests from the African continent is the lack of need for direct sunlight. The succulent loves bright, diffused light. Therefore, the plant should be placed on the south side. In the summer you will have to provide the tree with a vacation for fresh air. In gratitude, the flower will noticeably freshen up and increase in growth.

The secret of lighting

It is better to place the pot with zamioculcas next to the window. A place on a table, shelf or floor is suitable.


The unpretentiousness of the plant also manifests itself in relation to temperature conditions. The succulent tolerates any temperature equally well. The only requirement is to ensure a period of rest by reducing the air temperature to 18 °C.

Air humidity

Not a single indoor plant will refuse regular spraying and dust removal. Zamioculcas likes to shower twice a month. In winter, the frequency of spraying increases due to the air in the house being dried out by the heating system. The importance of spraying is confirmed by increased plant growth.

For your information

If you want to improve the appearance of the plant, it is recommended to use a special leaf polish.

Watering, fertilizing

A plant that welcomes abundant spraying has a negative attitude towards frequent watering. Watering zamioculcas is moderate. The soil in the pot is moistened after drying. Winter watering is doubly moderate. Special attention given to the water collected in the trays of the pots. It is drained immediately, avoiding stagnation, which can cause disease in the tree.

The spring-summer period is used by Zamioculcas for active growth. Regular fertilizing with fertilizers intended for cacti and succulents helps the plant. Produced once a month. During the cold season there is no need to feed the tree.

To grow a large specimen, it is necessary to regularly fertilize with organic and mineral fertilizers alternately.

Plant pruning

Plant pruning is permitted in exceptional cases. Improvement appearance The succulent does not require this method. Zamioculcas copes with the task independently. In the event that yellowed leaves appear, completely dead parts of the leaves, which easily fall off with minimal impact on the petioles, must be pruned.

The death of leaves occurs gradually. The exchange of chlorophyll and juices between the yellowing leaf and the rest of the plant is maintained. Untimely pruning will lead to prolonged loss of juice and yellowing of other zamioculcas leaves. If presence yellow leaf unacceptable, pruning is carried out as soon as yellowing is complete without capturing the living part. The remaining leaf at the attachment point is cut off.

IMPORTANT. Leaf death takes long time. It is recommended to speed up the process by twisting the cutting without breaking.


The appearance of flowers in Zamioculcas is a rare occurrence. According to the owners, adult plants bloom, provided comfortable conditions for growth and development. The flower itself is far from perfect, although it is not without originality.

Externally, the succulent flower is a strong, corn-like cob, packed in a light green sheet. The corn simulator is located at the very base of the leaves, in close proximity to the tuber-trunk of the plant, hidden in the ground. This arrangement makes the flower inconspicuous. However, his appearance is eagerly awaited. According to signs, a flowering tree promises an increase in the owner’s income several times.

Making a plant bloom is not easy. The main requirement is to provide the dollar tree favorable conditions for flowering:

  • Place the plant in the southern or eastern part of the house. On northern windows the tree will grow and develop, but will not please you with flowering.
  • Provide appropriate temperature regime. Warmth stimulates flowering.
  • Follow watering rules. Overmoistening or overdrying the soil is not allowed. Checking the condition earthen coma finger or wooden stick.
  • Fertilize using organic and mineral fertilizers. Apply fertilizer one at a time.

With proper care, flowers appear even in young plants. If during flowering the growth of new shoots stops, then this is sure sign aging of the tree and a reason to reproduce.

Reproduction of the "dollar tree"

The reproduction process of Zamioculcas is both simple and complex. Simplicity is ensured by several ways to obtain new plants and simple technology:

  1. Leaf blades. A healthy leaf blade is carefully cut off and left for a day to dry. Next stage– deepening the dried leaf blade into a mixture of equal parts of peat and sand by one third.
  2. Dividing the bush. It is done when replanting a plant in the spring. An adult zamioculcas is divided into two parts and placed in separate pots.
  3. Leaf cuttings. A suitable leaf with a bud is cut off at the base and treated with a fungicide solution. The cut area is dried. The cuttings, ready for rooting, are placed in a new substrate of peat mixed with sand in a 1:1 ratio.

The substrate for rooting should be prepared in advance. A temporary measure where the cutting is placed in water with added activated carbon, often leads to rotting.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas in one of three ways does not cause problems. The hardest part is being patient while the new plant grows a tuber over the next six months.


The planting process is no different from the process of transplanting a plant. The roots are freed from the old substrate in a container with warm water. The tuber is examined. Rotten or blackened parts of roots and tubers are removed. A weak solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide for 20 minutes and drying. The cut areas are sprinkled with activated carbon powder.

It is important to observe the planting depth. The tuber should be placed in the pot so that there is a layer of soil above the tuber equal to the size of the tuber itself.

Diseases and pests

The dollar tree is valued not only for its ability to influence the increase in material wealth, but for its endurance. Diseases and pest damage are rare occurrences. The main cause of diseases lies in mistakes made while caring for a succulent.

Problems and diseases

Yellowing of leaves accompanied by the absence of young shoots

The reason is drafts, unbalanced temperature conditions, improper watering, and pest damage. Methods of control: remove the flower from the container, remove the affected parts, treat with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. Dry the treated roots. Plant in a new substrate.

Dark spots on leaf blades

Causes - low temperature air, drafts, excessive watering, moisture stagnation, scale insect infestation. Control methods include regulating heat and water conditions, reducing watering, timely removal of water from pans, and pest control. If no rot is detected during inspection of the plant, then the tree is in good health, and the presence of spots is its biological feature.

Stem rot or stem rot

The reason is excessive watering with cold water at low air temperatures, severe clay soil. Methods of control: remove the plant from the container, cut off the rotten parts of the stem, treat the plant completely with fungicide. Sprinkle the cut areas with activated carbon powder. Dry. Plant zamioculcas in a new container using fresh soil.

Drying of the plant

Reasons: natural aging, errors in care, mechanical damage. Natural aging causes drying out of the lower lobes of leaves. Methods of control - a new plant obtained from a leaf plate or cuttings, eliminating errors in care.

List of pests

The thick, waxy skin of the leaves protects zamioculcas from pests. Rarely, but lesions do occur:

  • Spider mites that prefer dry indoor air. A white cobweb appears in the internodes, the leaves of the plant wither, turn yellow and crumble. Methods of control: wipe the leaves with a sponge soaked in a soapy solution and spray with a low concentration of tobacco infusion. After the procedure, wash the tree warm shower. Severe infestations can be eliminated using insecticides.
  • Scale insects that moved to the dollar tree from infected plants. The leaves and stems of zamioculcas attacked by the scale insect become covered with dark spots. You should fight scale insects with a damp sponge and spraying with soapy water. In severe cases, an insecticide is used.
  • Aphids infecting leaves in the warm season on outdoors. The leaves of an infected plant curl, lose color intensity, turn yellow and die. You can destroy aphids ready-made means from insects.
  • Thrips that migrate from plant to plant. The leaves of a dollar tree infected with thrips become covered with silvery spots. The stems gradually become bent. The pest can be controlled using insecticides.
  • Mealybugs that prefer dry indoor air. Notice mealybugs easily. These are relatively large pests that feed on plant juices. Infection leads to stunted growth, deformation and loss of leaves, and the appearance of sooty fungi on the sugary, cotton-like secretions of pests. On initial stage Mealybugs are removed with a sponge soaked in soapy water. An alcohol solution can be used for impregnation. If time is lost, you will have to use pesticides.


A day after treating the plant with insecticides, it must be bathed under a warm shower, covering the soil in the container with a plastic bag.

Memo for beginners

Despite its flexible nature, Zamioculcas needs proper care, preventing disease and death of the plant. Particular attention is paid to:

  • Providing bright diffused light;
  • Gradual adaptation of the plant to the new light regime after winter;
  • Proper watering without waterlogging the soil;
  • Regular spraying and wiping the leaf plates from dust;
  • Staying outdoors in the warm season;
  • Feed twice a month from April to September;
  • Protection from direct sunlight;
  • Correct choice of container and substrate;
  • Timely transplantation;
  • The presence of supports for the thick and fleshy leaves of the dollar tree.

Familiar requirements that do not require special efforts to fulfill. By following simple rules, you can grow an amazingly beautiful plant. Zamioculcas will repay attention to itself not only with luxurious leaves and original flowers, but also with a substantial increase in income. Or maybe a little feminine happiness, contrary to the signs.

The lush green feathery leaves of Zamioculcas will decorate and home interior, and the office of a serious company. Caring for a dollar tree at home is minimal: the plant will survive even if it is not watered on time due to its own forgetfulness or busyness.

IN cultural cultivation The dollar tree appeared quite recently, only 20 years ago, but managed to receive the approval and appreciation of indoor gardening specialists as one of the unpretentious herbaceous perennials. The only cultivar is distinguished by its compact size - about 60 cm in height - and smaller leaves than those of the natural species.

What does a dollar tree look like?

Zamioculcas has a thick tuberous rhizome, from which feathery, shiny leaves of a dark emerald color extend. The plant sometimes reaches a height of 1 m. Blooms in room conditions Zamioculcas is a rare phenomenon. An inconspicuous light cream ear is wrapped in a pale green blanket and hides among the leaves swollen at the base.

The genus Zamioculcas in the Araceae family is monotypic and consists of one species - Zamioculcas zamifolia, native to the African tropics. The plant was first described by K. Loddiges, a naturalist and collector of tropical exotics, in 1828 and for a long time was called by his name, and is still found as a synonym. Zamioculcas received its current name due to its similarity with zamia, a typical representative of cycads.

Among folk names- “dollar tree” and “celibacy flower”. The currency name is clear - the large leaves of Zamioculcas partly resemble the somewhat smaller foliage of the Crassula, nicknamed by flower growers “ money tree" The second name is most likely associated with the flowering of Zamioculcas: its spadix is ​​similar to the inflorescence of spathiphyllum, popularly known as “women’s happiness,” which blooms quite often. Accordingly, the rare appearance of a flower in Zamioculcas, according to popular beliefs, is a sign of celibacy.

Of course, the plant cares little about signs, and it blooms when it is provided with proper care and the conditions of detention are observed.

How to transplant zamioculcas: choosing a pot and substrate

"Flower of Celibacy" in at a young age replanted annually in April, older plants - once every two years. Zamioculcas responds well to transplantation, but sometimes stops growing for a short period.

For planting, choose a wide, stable pot that does not exceed the size of the root system. A layer of drainage made of pebbles or crushed stone must be laid at the bottom; light expanded clay is more suitable for young plants with poorly grown green mass.

It is not so important which pots are at hand - plastic or ceramic. The main thing is that there are drainage holes at the bottom to remove excess moisture.

The soil in which the dollar tree will grow needs to be nutritious and loose, with good breathability.

The main components of the soil mixture are traditionally taken:

  • 1 volume of leaf soil;
  • 1 volume of turf land;
  • 1 volume of peat;
  • 1 volume of sand.

The tuber is placed shallowly in a flower container, barely covered with soil.

Zamioculcas juice, when it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, causes a strong burning sensation, so replanting the plant should be done with gloves.

Dollar tree care couldn't be easier

Caring for the plant at home is not difficult; the plant forgives minor mistakes, except for waterlogging.

  • Accommodation in the house

Zamioculcas – large flower, grows naturally on the dry hilly plains of Africa among succulents. Therefore, indoors, windows facing south, southeast and southwest are more suitable for him. In the summer months, it feels great in the garden or on the balcony, open terrace, or unglazed loggia.

  • Light requirements

The dollar tree loves indirect light. In nature it also grows under the scorching sun, but indoor zamioculcas gets burned from bright sunlight. It also develops in partial shade, but more slowly, and new shoots grow smaller and have smaller leaves. During the period of relative dormancy from September to March, the plant also needs good lighting, but additional lighting is organized whenever possible and is not vital.

  • Temperature

What temperature does the African exotic need? Range of thermometer readings in the growing room indoor zamioculcas, quite wide. Optimal summer temperatures are moderate - within 21-24 degrees Celsius, but the plant can safely withstand 30-degree heat.

In winter, the flower tolerates dry air heating devices and tolerates a temperature drop of at least 12 degrees.

  • Watering and air humidity

Flower growers often forget that zamioculcas, although it belongs to the aroids, is capable, like succulents, of storing moisture in the tubers and the lower part of the leaf petiole. However, these “reservoirs” are not limitless, excessive watering and spraying lead to rotting of the base of leaf petioles and tubers.

That is why plants should be watered moderately in summer, only after the earthen clod has dried out by at least half, and in winter the frequency of watering should be reduced to 1-2 times a month, especially when kept in rooms with low air temperatures. It is not advisable to leave water in the pan, even in very hot weather.

High air humidity harms zamioculcas; the plant does not require spraying. In intense heat, the flower will be delighted to refresh the soul; in other periods of development, it is enough to wash off the dust from the leaves with a damp cloth.

A leaf that was growing upright yesterday and suddenly bent over today should be immediately inspected at the base. As a rule, drooping shoots signal the beginning of rotting. It is necessary to stop watering for a while and carefully monitor the plant. Usually, short-term waterlogging goes away painlessly if the watering regime is adjusted in a timely manner.

  • The need for fertilizing

IN frequent fertilization Zamioculcas does not feel the need. During the active growing season it is fed carefully, in diluted doses. Use complex mineral fertilizers or feeding for succulents or cacti with a frequency of no more than once a month. In autumn winter period the plant rests and does not grow, so it does not need to be replenished with nutrients.

When the feathery leaves of Zamioculcas reach a significant size, they will require a special support with a ring, otherwise the fleshy petioles with large foliage will collapse and break due to their own weight.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas: possible options

The dollar tree is propagated by seeds, but this method is practically impossible for gardeners living in temperate latitudes. Planting material appears on sale very rarely, it is impossible to find it, and collecting it at home is also almost impossible, since zamioculcas blooms even in ideal conditions room keeping reluctantly.

However vegetative propagation Dollar tree growth occurs quite efficiently, and even despite the fact that Zamioculcas does not form convenient shoots, a new specimen can be grown in several ways.

  • Easier than other methods is dividing the rhizome, which is combined with replanting. Optimally, if the cuttings contain 2-3 nodules, the new plant will be strong and hardy. The cut areas are dried and then sprinkled with crushed charcoal.
  • However, one pinnate leaf with a tuber bud, separated from the mother plant, also develops successfully. Like larger divisions, it must be dried and treated with powder. charcoal from possible infections and plant in a separate flower container. The tuber bud is buried only to the base of the leaf, no more. In the future, they are cared for as for an ordinary adult specimen.
  • The most labor-intensive and time-consuming method is propagation by single small leaf blades cut off from a large pinnate leaf. The cuttings are dried for two days, then buried in a peat-sand mixture to a third of their length, moistened and covered on top. plastic film or glass vessel, constantly ventilate so that mold does not grow on the surface of the soil.

The rooting process of leaf plates sometimes lasts for several months. If you decide to propagate zamioculcas in this way, be prepared for the fact that not all specimens will successfully turn into independent plants - some turn yellow and rot. But if the process goes as it should, first a small swelling appears at the buried base of the plate, which over time turns into a miniature nodule with a growth bud and roots. The use of root formation stimulants - "Kornevin", "Heteroauxin" and other similar means - helps to speed up rooting. It is advisable to plant young dollar trees in a soil mixture for adult plants after the formation of a full-fledged tuber and 1-2 leaves.

Diseases and pests of Zamioculcas

The plant most often suffers from waterlogged soil. Overwatering is especially dangerous in conditions of low indoor temperatures - rotting of tubers and the bases of the pagons cannot be avoided. And if a plant is saved from short-term dampness by immediately stopping watering and treating it with Fundazol or Oxychom, then prolonged excess moisture and stagnation of water in the tray almost always leads to serious damage by root rot and death of the plant.

Silvery cobwebs on the leaves will indicate the presence of unwanted guests - spider mites. In this case, there is no time to think; you need to know exactly what to do with this scourge, otherwise the plant will quickly wither. Mites are washed off with a solution of laundry soap or sprayed with Actellik if there are a lot of them on the plant.

Aphids do not appear so often on the tops of shoots or with bottom side sheet plates. The insect doesn't like wood ash, so the affected areas are sprayed with a soap solution, then sprinkled with ash powder. In the event of a mass attack, special preparations are used - insecticides “Fitoverm”, “Bankol” and others.

Some problems in growing zamioculcas are associated with errors in care.

  • Leaves react painfully to mechanical damage and often die.
  • In insufficiently lit areas, the foliage stretches unnaturally.
  • The leaves turn yellow - the first sign of overwatering.
  • The loss of the lower lobes on the pinnate leaf is a natural process for the dollar tree.
  • Spots that appear on the leaves of a plant have different causes - waterlogging, drafts, low air temperature.

All these problems, however, can be avoided by carefully monitoring your green pet and properly caring for it. The unassuming Zamioculcas will brightly enliven your home interior, and every gardener has the right to decide for himself whether to believe the signs that it attracts dollars to your wallet.

Zamioculcas is becoming increasingly popular among indoor plant lovers. It is grown not only in homes, but also office premises due to ease of care and unpretentiousness.

For its successful development and preservation of its decorative qualities for as long as possible, it is enough to follow a few simple rules.

Zamioculcas belongs to the Araceae family. It has a second name, which is known in everyday life - “dollar tree”.

Origin- dry areas of Africa. The special structure of the tubers and stem allows Zamioculcas to survive long periods without water. It has a thickened trunk on which there are leaves covered with a waxy coating.

Is the dollar tree in bloom?

Flowers are cobs, but achieving flowering at home is a rather difficult task.


    Home care

    How to properly care for indoor flower Zamioculcas (dollar tree) at home?

    Homemade Zamioculcas flowers do not require special care at home. After purchasing a plant, it must be adapted to the room in which it will now be located. Before reaching the store counter, Zamioculcas was grown in a greenhouse, where the most favorable conditions were created for it.

    The plant was then placed in shipping soil and a small pot. During the process of moving, plants experience stress, and when they find themselves in new conditions, may shed some leaves, which is the norm.

    Important: Zamioculcas grows quite large at home, so it requires a spacious container. In addition to growing upward, the tuber itself also grows in width.

    Accordingly, it is necessary to choose a pot for Zamioculcas that will allow Zamioculcas to grow freely and turn into a beautiful specimen.

    When caring for a dollar tree at home, you must take into account that there is no need to replant immediately, but if you want to renew the soil, or the tubers become crowded, then the plant is carefully removed from the transport pot, shaken slightly and planted in new land into a larger container.

    Even ceramic pots will work for dollar trees. The dollar tree also looks beautiful in floor flowerpots.

    Read on to learn about the specifics of watering, including after replanting.

    Plant placement

    The houseplant Zamioculcas is quite unpretentious; it will grow both in the shade and in the sun, however, bright lighting is preferable for rapid and uniform development.

    Availability large quantity light is desirable, it is better if it is bright, but diffused, then the leaves will retain their bright green color.

    The dollar tree indoor plant also tolerates direct sun, but the leaves may become pale in color.

    Where is the right place to place a dollar tree?

    In summer it grows well in open spaces, balconies and verandas. In winter, place it as close to the light source as possible, preferably on a south window.

    Favorable temperature is normal room temperature, in winter it is advisable not lower than 16 degrees, since at low temperatures problems not only with growth are possible, but also the appearance of diseases, and even the death of the plant.

    Soil and replanting

    Let's take a closer look at how to propagate Zamioculcas leaves in the video below:

    Top dressing

    What and how to feed Zamioculcas?

    During the period of active growth of green mass, apply fertilizer for decorative leafy plants, diluted at half the concentration, or fertilizer for cacti. They do this 2 times a month. The soil is first watered and then fed with a solution of fertilizers. Fertilizers for Zamioculcas can be used universal, but it is better to alternate organic and mineral.

    How does a dollar tree grow?

    Its growth does not occur very quickly, mainly from spring to early autumn, when there is a lot of sun. Gradually, a stem appears from the tuber, the leaves on which are twisted. As they grow, they unfold. Each subsequent stem (compound leaf) is higher than the previous one. Zamioculcas can reach a height of 1 meter and looks effective in any room.

    Plant care in winter

    How to care for indoor plant dollar tree in winter?

    Like most plants, in the cold season Zamioculcas goes into a dormant period. At this time, special treatment is required.

    It is not recommended to lower the room temperature below 12 ºC, otherwise the plant may lose some of its leaves.

    How often to water Zamioculcas in winter?

    Watering Zamioculcas in winter must be done with extreme caution. They give little water and very rarely - no more than once every two weeks. Some experienced flower growers It is recommended to water this plant once a month in winter. However, one should take into account the dryness of the air and the presence central batteries heating. Zamoculcas tolerates prolonged dry soil well.

    Attention: It is also not recommended to spray the plant in winter, as this can lead to rotting of the leaves.

    If suddenly the leaf blades begin to turn yellow due to dry air, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room. For these purposes, install bowls with water or use a humidifier.

    How to feed Zamioculcas in winter?

    Fertilizing is usually not given in winter, since new shoots do not form at this time. But if the plant begins to grow, then you can add a weak solution of universal fertilizers to the water.

    In winter, the dollar tree flower should be placed in as bright a place as possible. It will also tolerate shade, but it may lose its decorative appearance and some of the leaves.

    Benefits and harms

    Is it possible to keep a dollar tree at home?

    Keeping this plant at home is considered a good omen and brings profit. home flower Zamioculcas does not count poisonous plant. For people prone to allergies, the leaves can cause skin irritation. It is not recommended to allow animals near the flower so that they do not accidentally ingest parts of the plant: allergies and digestive disorders are possible.

    Zamioculcas is a convenient and unpretentious plant for home and office. Since it requires infrequent watering, the flower can be completely safely left for a long time without fear that it will die.

    That is why modern designers It is often used as interior decoration. It grows slowly, but also lives long. From small plant after a few years, a tall and beautiful specimen grows.


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