Proper planting of strawberries in open ground in spring. How to plant strawberries - the best planting methods What is the best time to plant strawberries

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Since childhood, he spends more time in the greenhouse than at home

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Strawberries and wild strawberries are capricious plants that cause gardeners a lot of trouble. Watering, weeding, fertilizing and replanting are necessary to obtain maximum yield. Among the listed activities, one of the most important is planting, which helps to propagate berry bushes and expand plantations. When to plant strawberries, how to plant garden strawberries? Why is this necessary? Such questions arise for beginning gardeners. We will understand the intricacies of transplantation and set the processing time.

Replanting cannot be neglected, since the plant needs renewal. At 2-3 years of life, the bush noticeably weakens and ceases to bear fruit (at first the berries become smaller, then the shoots become barren). By the fourth year of growth, bacteria that cause plant diseases accumulate in the root soil.

The procedure is necessary for all crop varieties - remontant and perennial. The time of planting does not depend on the climatic conditions of the region; the characteristics of the varieties and the farmer’s goals are more important.

Choosing a time for seating

Farmers have enough to worry about at any time of the year. Transplanting strawberries requires attention and time. Gardeners choose the timing depending on their capabilities. From a botany point of view, this question is not clear-cut, since plants have seasonal features, allowing or, on the contrary, preventing the bushes from taking root in the new soil.

Spring planting

Spring is a favorable time for transplantation. Focus on air and soil temperatures: the latter needs to warm up by 7-10 cm. The advantages of spring propagation of strawberries and strawberries include:

  • high percentage of established plants;
  • formation of the root system by the onset of next winter;
  • the beginning of growing season and flowering at the appropriate time;
  • rapid rooting of seedlings.

Gardeners talk about low yields in the first season after planting. Choosing the time is half the work; pay attention to how to properly plant strawberries in the spring.

Planting in other seasons

The replanting procedure occurs not only in spring. Some gardeners leave this activity for the last months of summer or make it a preparation for winter. You need to know the following about summer planting:

  • It is not recommended to pick seedling bushes in hot weather;
  • propagate the plant in the early morning after dew or in the evening after sunset;
  • apply fertilizing while preparing the beds;
  • plant in the last month of summer, when fruiting ends;
  • provide seedlings with three times a day until young shoots of leaf shoots appear.

The autumn season is traditionally associated with pruning, propagation of bushes and shelter for the cold period. Autumn transplant allows plants to prepare for fruiting and will provide you with a harvest in the first year. But this period has a drawback - only 50% of plantings take root. Don't forget to cover the flowerbed with seedlings with film or other material to protect it from frost.

Rules for planting strawberries

There are several ways to propagate the plant. Any of the methods requires compliance with a number of general rules. The greatest attention should be paid preparatory stage planting the crop, including processing the beds, marking holes, and applying fertilizers. Take care of the necessary equipment: handy tool simplifies the work of the gardener.

Choosing a landing site

The open area of ​​soil where the strawberry bed will be located must meet a number of requirements. The main criterion is illumination. Strawberries are very light-loving, so choose an area with lowest level shading during the day. Arrange the plantations on a slight slope: the position on the slope prevents the disastrous accumulation of water and subsequent rotting of the strawberries.

If you decide to plant strawberries on your plot for the first time (more correctly, garden strawberries) or it’s time to update old, outdated berry beds, you should think about the method of planting strawberries.

How plant strawberries correctly, To obtain good harvest? We offer you four effective ways planting strawberries, which have long proven themselves among gardeners.

Strawberry rosettes are planted one at a time at a distance of 45-60 cm. To prevent the plants from intertwining, the tendrils are regularly removed, thereby allowing the bushes to develop intensively and bear fruit abundantly.

Disadvantages of the method: labor-intensive, requires frequent loosening of the soil, weed control, mulching and cutting off the tendrils.

Advantages of the method: the berries are large due to not large quantity bushes, each plant is ventilated, which reduces the likelihood of putrefactive diseases, planting material is saved.

In this case, the bushes are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm in one row, and a 40 cm wide strip is left between the rows so that you can freely approach the plantings. As with growing strawberries in individual bushes, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove tendrils and weeds.

Disadvantages of this method: the same as the first one.

Advantages of the method: Strawberries planted in rows grow well and bear fruit for 5-6 years in one place.

With this planting method, one plant is planted in the center of the future nest and six more around it. The result is a hexagon with a distance between plants in a nest of 5-8 cm. The distance between nests in one row should be 25-30 cm, and between rows 35-40 cm.

Disadvantages of this method: it takes a lot planting material.

Advantages of the method: leaves at five more plants than with traditional ways planting, which ensures a large harvest.

Carpet planting of strawberries

This is the simplest and cheap way landings. Its essence is that the mustache of strawberry bushes does not break off, thereby allowing the berry to grow independently over the entire allotted area.

With this compacted method of placing bushes, a special microclimate arises in the surface layer, and a layer of plant mulch is also formed on its own. This inhibits the growth of weeds and keeps the soil moist.

Advantages of the method: convenient for those who do not often visit the dacha; berries require watering, loosening and fertilization less often due to natural mulching.

Disadvantages of this method: Over time, the berries may become smaller.

More details about efficient cultivation strawberries using the carpet planting method can be read.

Read about how to grow strawberry seedlings from seeds.
We also have an article on the topic
we find out whether it is worth processing strawberries in the spring, and how to autumn pruning and prepare strawberry beds for winter.

We wish you success and great harvests!

" Strawberry

The favorite berry of children and adults is of course strawberry. The first berry vitamins after a long time cold winter enclosed in bright strawberry fruits. It is present in any garden plot and in the spring it is the first to receive the attention of the owner who wants to get an early harvest. In this review we will talk about the features of planting strawberry seedlings in open ground and further care.

Gardeners often wonder what month is the best month to plant strawberry seedlings? Optimal timing spring planting strawberries depend on the growing region and weather conditions(air temperature and soil warming). In Moscow and Leningrad regions, in the Urals - this is around the end of April beginning of May. In the south, seedlings are planted earlier.

You can plant seedlings in more early dates Having previously covered the planting area with agrofibre to quickly warm the soil. Having planted seedlings in prepared soil, they create comfortable conditions for growth, covering with spunbond or film on the installed arches. Step-by-step instructions for selecting seedlings and planting them in open ground are given below.

When planting in spring, the main thing is not to delay the planting time and plant the strawberry plants before the onset of hot summer days.

Selecting seedlings for a good harvest

Correctly selected seedlings are the key to the future strawberry harvest, so the choice of planting material must be taken seriously.

Strawberry seedlings can be purchased in several types:

  • with closed root system– seedlings grown in pots, plastic cups or cassettes;
  • with an open root system;

  • green seedlings– plants dug up immediately before planting and not subject to long-term storage, it’s best if they have a lump of earth;
  • frigo– these are annual plants dug up in the fall, with the root system cleared of the ground and the leaf apparatus completely removed, stored until planting at a temperature of -2 ÷ 0˚С (frozen seedlings).

Frigo - frozen strawberry seedlings

When choosing any seedlings, you need to pay attention to:

  • root system - it must be well developed. When purchasing seedlings with a closed root system, well-developed roots grow through drainage holes, which indicates their good viability;
  • seedlings must have at least 3-4 leaves rich green color, without signs of wilting, brown spots and points;
  • "heart"(the central bud of the seedling, in which the peduncles of the future harvest are located) should be large, at least 0.7 cm in diameter.

By selecting correct timing planting and high-quality seedlings, the survival rate of seedlings during spring planting is up to 80%.

Preparing seedlings for planting in the garden plot

Seedlings with a closed root system can be taken slowly and immediately planted in the ground, they can develop painlessly in containers for up to 2 weeks.

Saplings with open root system, if it is not possible to plant immediately, you can place it in the dark until planting plastic bag, sprinkle with water and place in a cool, dark place where they can remain for up to 5-7 days. During this time, the plants will produce additional white roots and take root well.

Before planting seedlings you need:

  • on every seedling leave no more than 4 leaves, remove the rest to improve survival rate;
  • trim the roots, their length should be no more than 10 cm;
  • before boarding It is advisable to soak the seedlings in a solution of a growth stimulator, if the seedlings have a closed root system, then water them with the solution.

Spring planting methods - diagram and step-by-step instructions

There are several ways to plant strawberries, from which each gardener chooses the most suitable one for him.

Into the tunnels

To get more early harvest berries and extending the fruiting period of strawberries In autumn, plants are planted in tunnels. Remontant varieties are most suitable for growing there.

Installation of shelters for strawberry beds can begin almost immediately after the snow melts. Iron or steel installed 1 m apart from each other plastic frames tunnels are covered with film or covering material. When consistently warm days arrive and when strawberries begin to bloom, the shelter needs to be raised for ventilation and pollination of plants by insects.

For covering material

Planting strawberries on black covering material has become very popular, as it has a large number of advantages:

  • weeds don't come through through agrofibre, they stop growing under it due to lack of light;
  • the mustache does not take root on it I and them are easy to remove;
  • the berries are always clean, because there is no contact with the ground;
  • The roots of plants under the covering material develop normally, because it allows moisture and air to pass through;
  • due to reduced contact of plants with the ground, strawberries practically do not get sick and it is not inhabited by pests, which means it is not treated with pesticides;
  • in winter under such shelter plant roots feel warm and comfortable.


The essence of the method is to plant plants in nests located 30 cm apart in a row, the distance between rows is 40 cm. Plants with this planting method are planted in a hexagon shape, with a distance of 10 cm between them., a strawberry seedling is also placed in the center of the figure.

The advantage of the method is to obtain abundant harvests, because there are 5 times more plants in the bush than with normal planting.

Flaw lies in the need for a large number of seedlings, but if you use your own planting material it is not expensive.


The bush method of planting strawberries is planting seedlings every 40-60 cm.

Berries grow large when planted this way., because the plants are not thickened, are well ventilated, they are easy to collect, but the plantings must be constantly loosened and the growing tendrils must be removed.

By lines

When planting plants in rows, use a one- or two-line planting method, the diagram is shown below:

  • With the one-line method plants are planted every 15-20 cm, the distance between rows is 70 cm.
  • With the two-line method the distance between plants is no more than 20 cm, between rows 70.

With this method of planting, it is convenient to rejuvenate plants by directing the growing tendrils into the aisles, thus creating new beds and removing old rows.

There is also carpet method planting, most common among summer residents who rarely visit their plots or simply do not have time to care for strawberries.

Plants after planting by any of the above methods are allowed to grow uncontrollably, i.e. the mustache is not removed and the plantings turn into a beautiful continuous strawberry carpet, under which weeds practically do not grow, moisture is retained. Plantings do not require loosening; it is simply impossible to do. The disadvantage of this method is the gradual grinding of the berries.

With any planting method, the root collar of the strawberry seedling should be at soil level.

Proper care of seedlings after planting

After planting the plants, for better survival, they need to be shaded by covering them with spandbond or dry grass.

Caring for newly planted plants consists of:

  1. In regular watering, since strawberries are moisture-loving. In dry and hot weather, plants need to be sprayed periodically.
  2. If the soil under the strawberries is not mulched, then weeding and loosening the soil required.
  3. At least three times per season (before flowering, during fruiting and after it) Strawberries need to be fed.
  4. Prevention and disease control and pests.
  5. Removing excess mustache, weakening the plant. You can leave the first tendril extending from the mother bush, which can be used as planting material.

Every 3-4 years, strawberries need to be transplanted to a new place and the plantations renewed with young plants to avoid loss of varietal characteristics.

Using the tips given for selecting, planting and growing strawberry seedlings, you can complete spring planting in a season easily grow a good strawberry plantation, which will begin to bear fruit and already next year you will enjoy its juicy and large fruits.

The opinions of many gardeners on the issue of planting dates for strawberries vary greatly, but for the most part, planting dates depend on the selected varieties and the climatic conditions of a particular region. All the nuances associated with this process will be discussed in detail in this article.

When is the best time to plant strawberries?

Features of planting in spring

Spring planting of strawberries is the most common method, since it has one very significant advantage: the plant has time to adapt to new conditions and grow stronger long before the first frost. This allows him to withstand even harsh winters much better, and the next season he can get bountiful harvest berries

However, this process has a number of individual features that must be taken into account when landing, they are all discussed below:

If we talk about specific planting dates, they depend on the heat-loving nature of the variety and the climatic conditions of the region. In most cases, this procedure is carried out in April or May, as soon as the stability of suitable conditions is observed.

Features of planting in autumn

Many summer residents plant strawberries in autumn period, this is done most often in situations where by spring it was not possible to grow strong seedlings or to obtain high-quality planting material in a timely manner.

Planting can be done from the first days of August until the end of September, and the following requirements and recommendations must be taken into account:

  1. Initially, you need to choose the right planting day, it is best to carry out this procedure in cloudy weather so as not to overdry the plant.
  2. Before planting, it is necessary to inspect the root system: dried roots, too long shoots and areas that are weak or affected by any diseases must be cut off. This will make the bush more prepared for the onset of cold weather, since the process of developing weak roots and regenerating damaged roots will not take away excess strength from it.
  3. In mid-October, the beds with planted strawberries will need to be additionally sprinkled with a small amount of peat or sawdust, which should be well dried. The layer thickness should be no more than 5 cm.
  4. The use of agrofibre also helps the bushes to better withstand winter when planted in autumn. To do this, the material will need to be spread on the bed even before planting the seedlings, its edges should extend beyond its boundaries, after which they will be pressed down with stones or bricks to securely fix the agrofibre. To protect against cold weather, it is best to use white material, and its density should be at least 60 g/m. 2. Notches are made on its surface, which indicate the places where the bushes will be planted. With enough help sharp knife, which will not tear the material, cuts are made in these places in the shape of a cross. By bending their edges, you can open holes in which the strawberries will be planted. During spring planting, agrofibres can also be used, but this is practiced much less frequently, and other types of material are also chosen.
  5. Basic care autumn seedlings is timely feeding various fertilizers that contain nitrogen. When carrying out this procedure, you must carefully monitor permissible dosage, since an excess of the product can have a detrimental effect on the crop being grown.
  6. Fertilizers containing magnesium are applied only once– during planting and are in addition to the first watering of seedlings.
  7. Fertilizers containing phosphorus, are added to the soil before planting.
  8. All other additional fertilizing in the autumn is carried out only when planting seedlings on depleted soil that needs additional improvement.

When is the best time to replant strawberries?

Bushes can be replanted both in spring and autumn, since in both periods the plant takes root well in new places. However, to do this, it is necessary to take into account the following features regarding the transplantation process:

  1. It is best to replant young plants in autumn, which form on tendrils sprouting from old bushes.
  2. Bushes are usually replanted in spring. which were grown at home.
  3. Regardless of the time of year when this process is carried out, only strong, healthy and already formed plants with a good root system can be replanted.
  4. Strawberries that are more than two years old are not recommended to be transplanted., since the chances that it will bear fruit well in a new place are minimal.
  5. It is best to choose cloudy days for transplantation. when there is no scorching sun that can harm plants.

When to plant strawberries in a greenhouse

Growing strawberries in protected ground is practiced in most cases when it is necessary to obtain a harvest throughout the season. Taking into account this requirement, the process is usually divided into the following stages:

  1. For planting, mustaches are usually used, which are planted in the ground in early or mid-August. It is better to carry out this process as early as possible, which will have a positive effect on the volume and timing of ripening of the berry crop.
  2. If the initial planting was carried out not in the greenhouse itself, but under open air, then the organization of shelter is required in November, most late is December. In regions characterized by the early arrival of winter and harsh climatic conditions, this process will need to be carried out earlier so that the bushes do not freeze.
  3. Depending on the microclimate created in the greenhouse, as well as the characteristics of the variety being grown, the first harvest of berries can be obtained in late spring or early summer.
  4. Can be arranged additional heating greenhouses, for this purpose electric heating systems are usually used. Taking such measures has a positive effect on the development of plants and the speed of berry ripening, so the harvest can be obtained as early as mid-April.

It must be taken into account that cultivation in greenhouse conditions usually carried out by considering strawberries solely as annual plant. If you plan to repeat this practice, then new bushes, also obtained from mustaches, are usually used.

Basic mistakes

  1. Planting in spring period weak or not fully formed bushes. This usually happens when the timing of planting seedlings at home is not met or there are delays in the development of bushes. If the plant is not yet ready for transplanting into open ground, then it is unlikely to bring a rich harvest, and there is a risk of its death. For this reason, it is recommended, if necessary, to skip spring planting and carry out this process in the fall.
  2. Planting varieties that are not suitable for this in the autumn. There are varieties of strawberries that have been bred exclusively for spring planting. In order to avoid making such mistakes, it is recommended to clarify such information with breeders or experienced gardeners at the purchase stage.
  3. Oversaturation of fertilizers during autumn planting. If strawberries are planted at this time of year, then they do require additional feeding and fertilizer, but all products should only be used during a certain period of time. For example, phosphate fertilizers It is recommended to add it to the soil only before planting bushes, and when using nitrogen additives, carefully monitor the dosage, since their excess affects the plants in the most negative way.
  4. The presence of abundant watering of seedlings placed in open ground in the autumn. Unlike bushes planted in spring, they need to be watered only when such a need arises; it usually occurs during a long absence of precipitation, which leads to noticeable drying out of the soil.

You are the lucky owner summer cottage, where, to the delight of you and your loved ones, fragrant strawberries grow and pamper you with an annual delicious harvest. It’s a good year, the second, the third...

And in the fourth year, something happened: your strawberry bushes seem to be just as strong, with healthy green leaves, but the berries are no longer the same, there are few of them, and they are small and tasteless. Is this a familiar picture? Let's understand the causes, ways to eliminate and, most importantly, prevent this problem.

Strawberry is a common household name garden strawberries. Further we will talk only about it, although real strawberries also exist.

This plant has the first 2-3 year goes by active development, and then the aging process begins: the bush thickens, pathogens and pests accumulate. The planting process allows you to get rid of these problems and update the plantings.

In the same way, you can increase the area of ​​berry plantations. Finally, this is done to change (at least partially) strawberry varieties.

When to plant strawberries

You cannot plant strawberries during the active growing season: during flowering and fruiting. They do it or in early spring, before flowering, or after picking berries.

Plants are planted in spring from late April to early May, when the soil warms up to 6-8 degrees and rooting of the seedling becomes possible.

Negative aspects of spring planting:

  • this year the harvest will not be large;
  • small time interval for work.

A positive point: during the spring-summer season, the root system and the plant as a whole will have time to form well so that next year bear fruit in full force.

There is more time for berry planting in summer and autumn. This time is from the end of July, 2-3 weeks after harvest, until the end of September - a month before the first frost.

Note! The advantage of this period is that the plant after planting needs minimal care, a good harvest is already obtained next summer, the bushes acquire winter hardiness and, finally, in the spring, during the peak of work in the garden, time is freed up.

How to plant strawberries correctly

This berry can also reproduce by seeds, but this labor-intensive process, time consuming. This is mainly done by breeders. Two common vegetative propagation methods for strawberries:

  1. Removal of rosettes rooted on the mustache;
  2. Dividing an adult bush into parts.

Planting with tendrils is the most common and, according to many, the best method of propagating these berries. Advantages of this seating method:

  • new bushes are identical in properties to the mother plant;
  • you can get many seedlings at once;
  • seedlings take root easily and quickly;
  • This method saves effort and time.

Scheme of the method of propagating strawberries with a mustache

The mother bush produces side shoots (tendrils, tendrils), the number of which can reach up to 15 per plant. These tendrils, growing horizontally along the ground, form rosettes at some distance from each other - future plants with leaves and root embryos.

They can be rooted (if they haven't already done so themselves) by pinning them to the ground with a metal wire staple. But in order not to injure the roots of the seedling in the future, it is preferable to immediately fix the rosettes in plastic cups with fertile soil.

It is especially important here to ensure that the soil in these containers remains moist at all times. You can plant a rooted rosette after it has formed 3-4 leaves by cutting off the tendril connecting it to the main bush.

To obtain high-quality strong seedlings, the flowers of the selected mother plant are torn off, not allowing it to waste energy on fruiting, and no more than 5 tendrils are left and up to 3 rosettes on each of them.

You need to plant seedlings from cups together with the soil, being careful not to damage the roots, in holes that have been previously spilled with water and making sure that the growth point remains at ground level.

Strawberry planting by dividing the bush

This is the only method for varieties that do not produce tendrils (for example, remontant strawberry). Work plan:

  • Choose strong bushes, marked by a large and high-quality harvest.
  • The bush is dug up with a shovel, trying not to damage the root system. It is useful to know that strawberry roots are located no deeper than 10 cm.
  • A plant with a root ball of soil is lowered into a basin of water. For disinfection, potassium permanganate is added to the water.
  • After the plant is freed from the ground, it is divided into parts called horns. Each horn (this is a separate plant) must have a root. In cases where the plants have grown together or the roots are strongly intertwined, they can be cut. From one bush you can get up to 10 or more seedlings.

Selecting a site for garden beds

It should be sunny place with good soil and without possible waterlogging. You cannot plant strawberries where they have already grown before - pathogens and pests may remain here.

A good option for planting after legumes, grains, beets, radishes, onions or garlic. Conversely, it is not advisable to do this after nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes), cabbage, cucumbers.

Plantation preparation

The selected plot is dug up with a shovel 2 weeks before planting, while simultaneously clearing the soil of weed roots and introducing organic fertilizers(manure, humus, peat). Here the future berry garden is fed and mineral complex for berry crops.

A good option is spring sowing in this place there are green manures. For garden strawberries, lupine can act in this capacity.

Common pests of this crop are the cockchafer and wireworm, or rather their larvae. IN for preventive purposes Before planting, the dug up soil is spilled with ammonia water.

After leveling the beds, markings are made for planting. It seems optimal to place berry bushes in rows, the distance between which is 60 cm. The distance between plants in a row is initially 15 cm for early varieties and 20 cm for late varieties.

Immediately after the first harvest, every second bush is removed (discarded or replanted), and thus the corresponding distances will become 30 and 40 cm. This rarefaction allows the total harvest to be increased for the next year.

Boarding procedure

Planting rosettes rooted in cups or seedlings in containers from nurseries in open ground is not a problem. Here you just need to be careful not to bury the plant - the growing point should remain at ground level.

The situation is somewhat more complicated with seedlings from a divided bush or rosettes dug from a garden bed. The rosettes are carefully transplanted together with the root ball of soil, avoiding injury to the root.

The horns, if they were not disinfected during the division of the bush, are kept for 10 minutes in a solution of the following composition: for 10 liters of water, 3 tablespoons of salt and 1 teaspoon copper sulfate. If the seedlings are not from containers, the main task is to prevent them from drying out.

There is various options: watering 2 times a day to reduce moisture loss by plants, remove most of the foliage and, finally, build a kind of microgreenhouse, covering the seedling with trimmed plastic bottle. All this is especially true in hot sunny weather.

The main points in the process of planting strawberries

  1. mustache;
  2. dividing the bush.
  • The optimal time for planting is from the end of July, 2-3 weeks after harvest, until the end of September, a month before the first frost.
  • A new planting site for strawberries is chosen after legumes, grains, beets, radishes, onions or garlic.
  • The main requirement in the planting process is the position of the growth point (root collar) at ground level.
  • Further care of the seedlings consists of watering and reducing moisture loss.

More information about planting strawberries:

Autumn planting of strawberries - very important points:

Transplanting strawberries to a new place:


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